Managing large teams means more challenges, especially with employees spread out across departments, cities, or even continents. There are a lot of things to keep in mind in order to avoid schedule conflicts. To help you track all the different variables (from national holidays to vacations and sick leaves) and even let you choose the day when your teams’ working week starts, we've introduced a new feature within Wrike’s Enterprise plan – custom calendars.

Managing large teams means more challenges, especially with employees spread out across departments, cities, or even continents. There are a lot of things to keep in mind in order to avoid schedule conflicts. To help you track all the different variables (from national holidays to vacations and sick leaves) and even let you choose the day when your teams’ working week starts, we've introduced a new feature within Wrike’s Enterprise plancustom calendars.  

Admins: Adjust Schedules on the Account Level
The new feature allows admins to customize working calendars on the account level. For example, easily mark Thanksgiving, Christmas or all-day corporate events on the account's global calendar so important milestones aren't scheduled on these dates. 

Admins: Adjust Schedules of Individuals
Because we want you to set more accurate deadlines and distribute the workload more efficiently, admins can now log four types of calendar exceptions on employees’ individual calendars. They are: extra work days, paid and non-paid vacations, and sick leaves. Each one is set to a different color for easy scanning. For large teams, the search box allows you to find someone’s calendar quickly.

These changes are instantly reflected in the workspace. For example, you won’t be able to schedule a new task for dates when the assignee is on vacation. No matter what view you're in, if you try giving them a deadline on their vacation days, you will end up with a conflict that will need to be rescheduled.

Users: Adjust Your Own Schedule

Users can add vacation days, sick leaves and extra work days to their personal calendars to make sure that tasks are assigned properly. These adjustments will reflect in the global calendar of the account, too.  Moreover, users can edit their regular workweek and identify non-working days, something that may benefit part-time workers. 
Wrike Enterprise’s custom calendars create an efficient way to track team schedules, distribute the workload and plan milestones. Moreover, the calendars provide a helpful tool for accounting departments that need to generate payroll.   
In addition to flexible calendars, Wrike Enterprise delivers many other helpful features. Drop us a note at to see it in action. And don't forget to mark the coming holidays on your team’s schedule!