How To Be Healthier & More Productive At The Office

ProofHub Blog
Published in
5 min readApr 15, 2019


Do you feel overwhelmed by the number of emails you get? Do you want to boost your productivity for your daily work needs? When it comes to running a business, it is easy to get bogged down in the daily grind and forget about our selfcare. Sometimes a few small changes can go a long way in helping your productivity and overall health.

1. Take Regular Breaks

No, we don’t mean a smoke break. That’s the exact opposite of healthy. Go on a walk around the block and get some fresh air. Inhaling oxygen into your bloodstream will give you an extra boost of energy, the natural way. Getting outside also exposes you to sunlight and Vitamin D, a critical nutrient for maintaining healthy bones and teeth and protecting against type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis. But, don’t forget the sunscreen, even on a cloudy day, as too much exposure can burn you, doing more harm than good. At a minimum, the simple act of looking outside can have positive effects.

2. Stand Up

We’re big advocates for standing desks. Why? According to a 2013 article in The Washington Post1, “[standing desks lead to] a lower risk of obesity, cancer and death and also boost mood and alertness.” In a 2014 Forbes article, Steven Salzberg states, “The newest claim is that standing up lengthens your telomeres (this is the part of human cells that affects how cells age). This would provide a mechanism to explain how standing up might lengthen your life.” It stands to reason that standing not only helps with back pain, but it might save your life as well. Learn more about the benefits of standing desks at We Rock Your Web

3. Stay Focused

Research from the University of California Irvine found that it can take an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get back into a task after becoming distracted. Turn off notifications, keep your phone in another room (or put it in a drawer) so you aren’t tempted to check it (even if you don’t see an alert). Same for your smartwatch. Turn on silent mode and when the reminder goes off, actually stand up (see #2 above).

4. Set Limits

Get into the habit of allowing yourself to check emails (and social media) only at designated times. If needed, block out time on your calendar specifically for email. Tim Ferris author of 4 Hour Work Week is notorious for this and refers to checking email as a time suck that equates to responding to other people’s agendas instead of your own. You’ll often find that if people have a question, they might be able to find the answer on their own when you take your time responding. Don’t ignore people or tasks, but it is okay to get back to them later, in a timely manner and on your terms.

5. Snack Attack

While eating is necessary to fuel your brain, prepare ahead of time to set yourself up for success. Pack a low-carb, lite lunch with healthy proteins. A heavy lunch (especially eating out or takeout/delivery) makes you tired and unproductive. While it’s tempting to hit the break room for a soda, donut or birthday cake, eating sugary snacks and drinks is a bad idea. They may give you a quick energy blast, but it won’t be a long-lasting vitality and will actually drain you in the long run. Keep a glass of water by your desk to stay hydrated and refill it throughout the day or keep some healthy snacks at work that aren’t sugary. This also encourages you to take more frequent mental rests (and potty breaks too).

6. Have Fun

Last but not least, don’t stress out. Take deep breaths and make work fun. A little desktop ping pong set, zen garden and/or finger yoga are a few ideas to take your mind off work when you need a mental escape. Play music at your desk (headphones if you’re in an open office environment) and smile. Compliment a co-worker or hold the door open for the UPS person — these random acts of kindness will go a long way in making everyone a happier, healthier worker, including you! Disney’s Snow White song “Whistle While You Work” is a catchphrase for a reason.

About The Author: Sadie leads the charge on all brand management, graphic design, social media strategy and overall marketing initiatives for She has more than a decade of experience in digital and traditional media for a wide-range of companies and industries.



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