Best Time Management Articles That Are Loved: Reviewed And Ranked

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8 min readOct 1, 2019


Managing time is of utmost importance to be able to conduct projects effectively. We all have the same hours every day, the reason why others achieve more is not only because they work harder but they also manage their time better.

One should make a promise to have effective time management strategies. If you feel anxious about incomplete tasks or no matter how much you cross off your to-do list there are always more things to get done, then you need to follow some time management tips.

No matter what you do, there are many time management tools and tips to organize every part of your life. Like many other things, time-management is a strategy that can be learned and improved. So here I’ve curated a list of best time-management articles that are insightful and you should follow to have the best tips.

  1. Work Smarter, Not Harder: 15 Time Management Tips that will Change your Life

ProofHub is a project planning software and project management platform that provides a solution for all your project needs. With posts on time management, productivity, project management and many more, the blog will help you have some effective time management strategies.

This article has some great tips to follow at work that will make you work smarter and not harder. Learning the art of time management brings a positive impact on professional life. It also puts emphasis on time tracking software to keep track of every minute spent at work. Read some amazing time management techniques to become a time management pro.

2. Bad at Time Management? Here’s What You Can Do About It

Sandeep Kashyap is the founder of ProofHub. He manages his overwhelming to-do list on a project management tool and gets so much done. He has some amazing yet simple tips for those who are bad at time management. One of these is to use time management software to plan projects visually and save a lot of time. Time management software will keep track of how you use your time throughout the day. Let’s see what some other tips are.

3. 5 Strategies for Getting More Work Done in Less Time

After you’ve prioritized, planned, and delegated, you need to focus on increasing your efficiency so that you can get more done in less time. Timeboxing is a great method to focus on work more. When you decide in advance where you are investing your time, as per Parkinson’s law, the work expands to fill the time allotted for it. But there are many more effective time management strategies.

4. 7 tips for effective time management

It is rightly said that time is the essence of life. Managing your time effectively will maximize your productivity. Setting priorities may not be easy, but prioritizing is good for time management. The writer suggests to make a list of the things you need to do, put a timeline to each activity and then prioritize them at the beginning of each day, week, or month. It also suggests having a time audit, every once in a while to help you know when you need to make the adjustment.

5. Six Tips to Time Management for Maximum Productivity

In this article, Fred Wilson says that the lack of time management starts with distractions. Apart from keeping distractions at bay, he has got a lot of tips to manage time for more productivity. Check this out — a list of six ways to time management for maximum productivity. The article also states 10 surprising facts about productivity that tells that Tuesday is the most productive day of the week.

6. Procrastination is an emotional problem

It is said that we fail to manage our time appropriately because of procrastination. Pychyl explains in his book “Procrastination is by definition an irrational behavior because it runs counter to our own idea of what will make us happy.” But is procrastination a time-management problem or emotional management problem? The problem is with your emotions and not with your willpower. Knowing that procrastination is an emotional regulation problem rather than a time-management problem is a good start. The writer recommends being mindful

through concentration, non-judgment, and equanimity, align perfectly with the research showing the vital role of emotional regulation in reducing procrastination and improving productivity.

7. 11 Steps to Help College Students With ADHD Create a Time Management System

Students with ADHD who have trouble with time management needs a schedule that can help them get more work done in less time. They may be thrilled by how unscheduled their time will be. Here are 11 tips to create time management for ADHD college students: use a monthly calendar to mark down the semester’s deadlines, fill in important dates for each course, break it down by week, schedule concrete time for work each week, add the weekly commitments to the electronic calendar, keep the weekly plan and monthly calendar visible, and more…

8. Time management isn’t the problem — our attention span is

Research shows we’re actually responsible for 50 percent of the distractions that sabotage our focus and a lot of distractions from emails and instant messages. When someone interrupts us, it takes an average of 29 minutes to resume our focus. When we do not choose where we direct our attention, time-management becomes a problem. It doesn’t matter how well we manage our time if we can’t focus our minds on what we want to accomplish. So, for time-management, first, learn attention management.

9. 3 smart ways to improve your time management skills

You’d have known many ‘top time management tips’ but you got to know the best ones. Because poor time management will affect your productivity, this article has three smart ways to manage time and hence productivity. First: understand time management, second: prioritize, third: start the day on a high note.

10. 11 Time Management Mistakes You Are Probably Making

There are time management mistakes you may not realize will be holding you back. Letting the urgent overtake important can put you in trouble. Overcome this time management mistake by prioritizing your tasks and not let urgent take over your schedule. This is just one mistake, 10 more to know.

11. The truth about time management: how I went from chaos to punctual calm in one week

The article is around the productivity expert Julie Morgenstern, who was ‘conquistador of chaos’ until parenthood forced her to get organized. She lived in chaos for the first quarter-century of life, being 17 minutes late for everything, procrastinating, and she constantly craved order. She became organized when she had her daughter and there were 18 things to remember. And that’s how she learned time-management.

12. 6 time management techniques from a guy who has no time

This article has tips and techniques to have every drop out of the limited time you have. If you think you’ve got no time for yourself, start staying in audit mode to stop procrastinating, don’t be destroyed by the unknown problems in business, stay motivated by loving what you do, keep a check of what you are doing with your 18 hours in a day, and a lot more…

13. Time Management Tips for Teachers

Time management is a struggle for everyone including teachers. But some of the teachers are doing well with time management. And this article has got tried and tested tips to be a productive teacher. There are many tips, making a to-do list effectively is one of the most important tips. Grab a to-do list and jot down everything you need to do. Your to-do list is the master list, add anything that comes up later in the list.

14. 5 Things I Learned About Time Management as a Business Leader

As written in the article, success doesn’t come from hard work alone, purposeful work is also important. And developing time management skills is what will help you have purposeful work. As a business leader as well, you need to follow some time management tips — learn to ask for help because each task whether small or easy demands time, delegate tasks often because with time you need to slowly step away and bring people in to take over these tasks, make lists and stick to them, and be flexible to work for long hours.

15. 12 Time Management Techniques to Help You Make the Most of Your 24 Hours

We have all got 24 hours in a day to get everything done. It’s how we manage these 24 hours to get all done and that’s time management! The article has got time management techniques for people looking to manage their time daily.


This is a roundup of some of the best time management articles if you’ve got any favorite or any tried time management tips, share with us in the comments below.



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