Agile PM2: a new tree in my agile forest

It looks like my forest is changing into a jungle. This time I added Agile PM2. Agile PM2 is an extension of PM(initiative of the European Union, see: To be honest I have some problems with this initiative. As a European citizen, I ask myself, looking at my agile forest, why do we need to spend tax money to develop a new (agile) methodology when there are already so many frameworks and methodologies available?

AgilePM2 overview plaatjeThe Agile PM² Extension

The PM² Methodology supports the use of Agile practices in PM² projects through Agile PM² which is an extension to the core methodology that provides the necessary collaboration framework. Agile teams should be able to collaborate effectively with teams and stakeholders following alternative approaches.

The extension provides:

  • Agile roles & responsibilities: The Agile Project Core Team (A-PCT) is part of the overall Project Core Team (PCT). In Agile PM, the additional agile specific roles comprising the Agile Project Core Team (A-PCT) are:
    • Team Coordinator (TeCo) – equivalent to the well-known Scrum Master role
    • Product Owner (PrOw)
    • Architecture Owner (ArOw)
    • Agile Team Member (ATeM) – equivalent to the Scrum Development Team role.
  • integration with the overall PM² project lifecycle: The Agile PM² has iteration cycles at three levels – daily cycles, iterations, and releases. Regardless of their duration, these cycles follow what is termed in Agile PM² the CIR rhythm (Coordinate, Implement, Review)
  • a set of suggested Agile artefacts: Agile Specific Artefacts capture information regarding the planning of specific (implementation) processes, activities, releases, iterations, and other milestones (Development Handbook, Development Work Plan, Deployment Plan, Testing Plan, Agile Logs (Testing Log, Retrospectives Log)
  • A set of Agile PM² Mindsets

In my bird’s eye view I positioned Agile PM2 in the project level box.Agile Myths Busted (webinar PMI Bulgaria, Belgium, IPMA NL, 200429) v1.0See my blog for the complete Bird’s eye view on the agile forest article.

One response to “Agile PM2: a new tree in my agile forest

  1. This blog having a lot of new ideas… Need more as we can gain more knowledge. Thanks very much!

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