
What You Need to Know about Reskilling in the Workplace

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More employees today are looking forward to learning new things on the job. As much as 84 percent of the workforce is willing to learn new skills from their employers and managers. However, it is vital for workers to understand what to ask their bosses in terms of reskilling and learning new capabilities on the job.

In order to be the best employee you can be, you’ll want to take part in reskilling programs and you’ll need to ask your employer specific questions to better understand future training potential of your company, reported the publication Quartz at Work.


Many corporations such as Walmart, Amazon, PwC, and JPMorgan Chase have started to launch new training and reskilling programs to help their employees learn all of the digital skills they will need for their career. In the next 18 months, it is expected that more corporations will begin to adopt reskilling programs.

The Questions to Ask Your Employer about their Reskilling Programs

As an employee, you’ll need to ensure the training programs at your company offer classes effective for your optimal form of learning. The four types of questions you should ask your employer include:

  • How are the most relevant skills for you taught during training?
  • How can you use what you learn on the job?
  • How much time is given for you to learn?
  • When change becomes more complex, how will the company and managers support you?

Your boss should not be looking for you to learn skills that are not relevant for your career or for your current job. The best training programs should help you find the gaps you lack in certain skills and help you learn relevant factors.

You’ll need to focus on the areas that are important for your future. Find out if your boss has an assessment tool that will help you analyze what areas you should focus on and what gaps you have in your knowledge. You’ll need to have a customized plan for your specific training program. One size does not fit all when it comes to learning styles.

In addition, be sure to figure out what skills are most needed by your employer. AT&T has put in $1 billion in reskilling and training their workers to adopt technical skills so that the company as a whole can be more successful. Therefore, if you learn the skills your company needs the most, you’ll be able to take on a new role in the future and more likely to receive promotions.

It is also important for you to be able to apply any new skills or knowledge in your day-to-day job or else you’re more likely to forget the new things you learned in the classroom setting.

Be sure to ask your employer where you will apply these skills after training so that you can retain the knowledge. This way, your company will also get a return on their investment in training classes.

Find out if your company can offer a job rotation or a shadowing opportunity to allow you to apply new skills you’ve learned. Could there be new projects where you can apply your new knowledge? Talk to your boss about these avenues.

In addition, it is vital to find out whether you’ll be given a break from your everyday duties in order to have enough time for the reskilling program(s). With the amount of work everyone has nowadays, it is vital to be able to push off some deadlines and find the time necessary to learn new skills. Finding extra time can be nearly impossible when workers have ongoing projects and assignments. Therefore, it is key for companies to carve out extra time and ensure employees aren’t swamped with projects.

Lastly, it is vital to understand how your company will support you when you may suffer from burnout or a general lack of motivation. It can take six to nine months for employees to show real results when it comes to reskilling programs. Find out how your company will support you and how your managers will help you handle your workload.


Will you be given the chance to experiment and try new things even if some endeavors may fail? Finding out the answers to these questions is vital.

Lifelong Learning is Imperative

In today’s constantly changing digital world, it is vital to partake in lifelong learning. Nowadays, knowledge is at our fingertips with the ability to look up a wealth of information on our smartphones or tablets. The Internet has expanded greatly in the last three decades and now you can learn anything from coding and biochemistry to a new cooking recipe online.

However, what are some steps you’ll need to take in order to become a lifelong learner? Below are some useful tips to follow.

  • Make a list of things you’d be interested in learning about
  • Teach someone or even pretend to teach someone a new thing you’ve learned about
  • Take part in online forums or groups in your area of expertise
  • Find your learning style whether it is visual, auditory, or based on using your hands to complete an assignment

If you make lifelong learning a part of your everyday life, you’ll find that your career will be more sustainable in the coming decades despite robotics and artificial intelligence potentially harming the employability of workers worldwide. According to a Forbes article, lifelong learning has become an imperative of everyday life in the workplace.

“We’ll bring the invention of lifelong learning to fruition once and for all because of outright necessity,” the article states.


In addition, whether you are a worker or a manager, it is essential for both roles to have effective management skills in order to ensure a company gains the greatest success.

Key Factors for the Best Management Skills

When it comes to training, your managers will need to have the following factors to ensure the best outcomes in the workplace. These management skills are essential for greater success.

  • Assessing and managing performance accurately
  • Having leadership skills that help motivate teams and ensures goals are accomplished
  • Having the ability to see multiple perspectives of an issue
  • Capable of thinking outside the box
  • Interest in building honest professional relationships

In a company with plenty of talent and workers who have different perspectives, managers will need to have more understanding about individual needs of their employees. Leadership will also be necessary for both finding talent as well as nurturing it within the workforce.

The best managers will also need to be able to see the big picture as well as handle the small details of day-to-day responsibilities. Thinking outside the box will help managers see the different learning styles of their employees and the different ways workers can accomplish their duties.


In order to build strong and genuine relationships between professionals, you’ll need to have effective communication channels between co-workers, managers, staff members, and executives. This is essential to ensure things are running smoothly in the workplace.

Necessary Steps for Adopting Manager Development Programs

If your company lacks effective leadership or if employees are looking to advance, executives will want to consider implementing manager development programs. Below are the steps you’ll need to take to properly implement programs for management development.

  1. Create a long-term process instead of considering it as a one-time workshop.
  2. Personalize the manager learning programs based on each individual.
  3. Create a company culture based on lifelong learning.

While many company leaders think that a manager development program is essentially a workshop or a one-time seminar, it is much more important to think of it as a journey and a long-term learning process where managers are taught on a constant basis. For instance, an executive may check in with managers weekly to ask questions, provide feedback, and teach new management techniques.


Management advancement programs should also be tailored to individual needs based on people’s workflow styles and management preferences. Most of all, these programs are more likely to foster effectively in a company where the culture is based on lifelong learning. If everyone is involved in learning new skills day-to-day, such a program is more likely to thrive. Project Management Software Ensures Management Success

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