How to Engage Employees Through Recognition

ProofHub Blog
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6 min readMay 7, 2019


When it comes to recognizing talent at work, some do it really well and some don’t do it at all. Employers those who do it well get good results, happier workforce, and more profits. Whereas the others are still struggling to find the secret to success and workplace happiness.

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Unable to engage employees? This might be the reason

Employee engagement matters and it matters a lot. One of the best ways to do it is to recognize their efforts in the workplace. Anyone who is working in an office or virtual office has this innate desire to be liked and appreciated by his seniors or boss. If you don’t see the numbers coming in, ask yourself if they are well-engaged at work or not?

As per a Gallup report, employee engagement is one of the most overlooked aspects of today’s workplace. It won’t be wrong to generalize that managers and organizations are failing to engage employees. Mind you, disengaged employees are costing U.S employers from $450 to $550 billion in lost productivity almost every year.

7 common ways to celebrate employees for better engagement

  1. Provide instant gratification

The best time to appreciate someone is immediately after they have accomplished a task or something assigned to them. Instant praise can do wonders to boost the morale of an employee or team member.

The next time Katy finishes her article on time, give her a quick shout out. If you see John giving an impressive presentation, don’t forget to give him a pat on his back.

Don’t wait for year-end reviews to let them know that they are doing a good job. Appreciate their efforts as soon as possible and you’ll see a good boost both in employee productivity and employee engagement.

2. Appreciate them personally

Many employees feel that most of their efforts, work, and hard work often goes unnoticed. Due to which they stop giving their best for the lack of acknowledgment their work gets resulting in disengaged employees.

As per a CNBC report, 60% of employees are willing to take a pay cut to work for a company that recognizes their work and has an empathetic leader.

Every once in a while, take out some time to call all the high-performers in your cabin and discuss their achievements. This gesture indicates that the hotshots at your company know who’s doing what at their respective jobs.

3. Share credit in front of your seniors

It’s true that employees don’t leave companies, they leave bad bosses. Who would want to work for a boss who gives orders, steals credit, and doesn’t give a damn about others? No one, right?

On the contrary, just imagine if your boss is someone who gives enough opportunities, highlights your efforts in front of his seniors and doesn’t mind sharing credit with his team. Employees love such bosses and who wouldn’t?

The next time you recognize someone, make sure you tell others about it as well. Not only this will make them feel great but you’ll also gain their loyalty for a lifetime.

4. Give surprise time off

It’s common for team members to pull all-nighters or work for long hours while working on difficult projects. But it’s not okay if you don’t appreciate them doing so. More than anything, it’s hurtful.

If you see someone going above and beyond their work responsibilities, give them surprise time-off. It will not just help them to take the required sleep but more than anything, they will feel important, special, and valued.

Plus, employees who take time off are more productive than those who don’t. Productive employees mean more engagement and better results at work.

5. Express interest in their professional development

The best way to engage employees is by giving them a reason to stay. Expressing interest in their professional investment isn’t always about money or sponsoring for their education. Sometimes, it’s just about giving them an ear but more about listening to their personal goals, aspirations, and see if you could do something about them.

If a content writer wants to try coding, adjust his work requirements in a way that he gets enough time to interact with the developer’s team and can learn how to code. Other ways include sending them useful links and helping them to achieve their goals faster. Your interest and guidance will push them to work harder and become an asset to the organization.

6. Follow a celebration calendar

These days HR executives are leaving no stone unturned to engage employees. I see a lot of organizations going the extra mile to induce a feeling of celebration in the workplace.

At ProofHub, we celebrate employees’ birthdays, work anniversaries, and other achievements with the announcement and @mention features in our tool. You don’t need to go overboard by throwing lavish parties and giving them expensive gifts.

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It could be as simple as taking a 15-minute break to cut a cake, present a birthday card, and even sticking funny notes written by friends and colleagues on their work system. When the upper management celebrates little things, the workplace becomes a much happier and productive place to work for.

7. Use company-wide communication

The next time you appreciate an employee or recognize his efforts, do that on a bigger scale. By that, I mean to let everyone in. If the recognition happens between two people or behind closed doors, it might not have that impact as it would when he is recognized company-wide. It engages employees at a mass level and can have a huge positive impact on that individual.

In summary

Acknowledgment, appreciation, praise — whatever you call it — employee recognition goes a long way. I love what Bob Nelson said, “People may take a job for more money, but they often leave it for more recognition.”

If you enjoyed this…

Read the other articles:

  1. How to Recognize Employees for a Job Well Done
  2. Tips to keep employees engaged at work
  3. Employee Empowerment: The Right Way to Do It
  4. Team Building Activities to Develop Positivity at Workplace
  5. How to Empower Remote Employees to be More Productive
  6. 10 Ways Managers Can Connect With Their Employees

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