How to Manage Your Employees From Anywhere In The World

ProofHub Blog
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7 min readMar 21, 2023


Achieving success in any venture requires hard work, and this certainly applies to running a business. Productivity is essential for business growth and success, as it provides evidence of the progress made toward reaching objectives.

To ensure that everyone is working productively, employers must manage their employees’ output carefully. Only by keeping an eye on workers’ performance can you guarantee that your company remains on the right track!

Managing employees in the office is a feasible task because you can approach and ask them. However, it’s entirely different in a hybrid work environment where some are working from home and some from an office location. You can’t just call them out of nowhere asking how their work is because that’s awkward and invasive. You’re not in the same physical space or atmosphere to call out of the blue as you would approach them in the office.

Fortunately, remote management is possible with different kinds of software. You can have a tech stack for a remote work environment to ensure employees are productive. That’s why we’ll talk about remote management, its benefits, and how you can do it for your employees.

What is Remote Management Software for Employees?

Remote employee management software is an incredible tool for increasing productivity — no matter where your personnel is located! You can follow their performance and identify areas needing improvement, enabling you to actively support staff members and ensure that excellence is achieved.

Making it possible to recruit even the most talented individuals from the farthest corners of the globe, RMM software equips you with insight into how they’re coming along and facilitates conversations to help them ascend to even greater heights.

Talents are always a wonderful addition to the business because they can help it grow. However, they’re still people who may have some bad work habits that you need to address. For example, the new hire is a fast worker but they prefer to procrastinate until the last hour. While a fast worker is great, their procrastination is a waste of potential productivity that they can deliver.

With the right RMM software, you can manage and gauge their productivity every day. You’ll know which employees are slow but provide quality work. You’ll also learn about each employee’s niche and how to better utilize their talents. Every employee will have their specialty that will help your business bloom and be more competitive in the market.

What are the Benefits of Using RMM Software?

1. Improved Work Efficiency

By providing the ability to manage and automate a range of IT services remotely, RMM software helps businesses optimize their processes, increase efficiency, and save money.

RMM software also helps IT teams manage their customers’ networks and systems, providing real-time insights into system performance, and taking proactive measures to resolve any problems before they become business-disrupting issues.

In addition, RMM software can be used to automate system maintenance tasks, freeing up resources for more important tasks and helping businesses stay on top of their IT needs.

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2. Flexibility and Control

Knowing someone is there to witness their progress and actions makes the employee more conscious of their actions at work.

In a way, it’s similar to whether employees will truly work productively without being managed. However, RMM software ensures you won’t need to ponder such difficult questions. It will provide you with analytics based on how your employees spend their workdays. This will help you create informed decisions when assigning tasks and addressing issues.

RMM allows you to manage anyone remotely, making it a flexible tool for your workplace. It’s also used by IT staff for secure remote access in case your devices need troubleshooting. They won’t have to go to your office or home just to fix your computers or devices.

3. Streamlined Communications

RMM software also streamlined communications, like having instant messaging and device management. Any remote setup needs instant messaging to keep everybody in the loop. If you have questions about the project assigned to you, you can address them and get a response ASAP. This will prevent too much delay in getting started and doing your task.

RMM can manage your device too which is helpful in many ways. If you want to apply for a promotion, the analytics from RMM software can help your standing. You can point out how productive you are every workday and how much time you spend on your tasks. Concrete evidence of your efforts is a big deal when it comes to negotiating compensation.

However, if you never had a good record in the first place, then your boss will be hesitant to give you a raise. Worse, you can get terminated after a discussion about why it’s come to such a choice. Once the company has an opening, it can hire new talents that will be more productive.

4. Security and Privacy are Enhanced

Remote management involves keeping track of people through software. In this day and age, something like that can be dangerous without proper security. All of your sensitive data can be with your company and no one wants that compromised. That’s why RMM has auto-update features so its security will always be improved.

The MSP ensures that the software will live up to what they promised their client which is you. They’ll keep improving security protocols as time goes by to keep you and your business safe. For example, it can block websites so your staff won’t go accessing any inappropriate ones.

How to Manage Remote Employees with RMM

1. Manage the Email Activity of Employees

The modern professional spends a significant amount of their workday in their email inbox. Sending emails can be a tedious and time-consuming job but it’s a necessity. However, knowing how much time is spent on emails isn’t enough for most managers. Many of them want specifics, like who’s the recipient and how many emails were sent for the day.

The more contacts the employee needs to email, the more time-consuming the work. If you want a visual representation of their email activity, you can use email analytics. It can sync with your employees’ email accounts so you’ll be informed of the number of emails they send.

You’ll also see who their top senders and recipients are, the busiest times of the day, and more. Even their average email response times are recorded so you’ll have the full picture. From a glance, you’ll realize who is the busiest member of the team and who isn’t pulling their weight.

2. Use Time Management

Another option to manage your employees with RMM is to use a time management tool. It can coincide with other productivity tools but a built-in timer is a neat feature. It lets you know what time they clocked in and clocked out of work remotely. That way, you’ll also know how much time it takes them to finish an assignment and move to the next one.

This kind of software can be flexible because they can use it for some situations. For one, the employees can start the timer and stop it at the end of the day. With that, you’ll know everything they did during work hours. Another option is to only keep track of how much time they needed for certain projects.

The problem with the time management tool is that it’s not ideal for managing phone calls or impromptu meetings. That’s all the more reason to have a solid tech stack so you can fill the gaps.

3. Utilize Project Task Management Features

Some RMMs have a project task management feature to help manage and organize your business. For example, when you acquire a new project, you can create it in the app and assign employees. That will be the team assigned to that particular project, along with the supervisor.

You can log in and check which employees are busy and vacant. Those who are vacant can receive more tasks to fill their day to increase work productivity. However, keep in mind that this tool doesn’t address tasks that aren’t relevant to the project. Examples of these are responding to emails and taking phone calls.

You should also remember how different projects need different levels of responsibility. Hence, some aspects will be hard to quantify but we suppose that’s where a strong tech stack comes in. You can also opt to trust and put good faith in your employees because micromanagement is unhealthy.

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The current remote work landscape has made it easier than ever to access global talent — but the true challenge lies in whether these workers can deliver on their tasks. Productivity is key to any business thriving, as it enables the achievement of objectives and goals, day in and day out.

Whereas managing employee performance in an office environment is done with relative ease, doing so for remote staff requires a different approach. Remote management (RMM) technology presents you with the perfect solution, providing analytics that enables you to make informed decisions about your personnel.

Undoubtedly, RMM software is essential to making this technologically advancing workplace function. Employees have the convenience of working from home while you can rest assured that they are being efficient. However, it is important to not overstep boundaries when using these tools; resist the temptation to micromanage staff members or worse still abuse your authority as their employer. RMM should be used solely for its intended purpose.

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