Heart of Agile: a missing tree in my bird’s eye view on the agile forest

heart of agileOn linkedIn I received a remark that the Heart of Agile was missing in my bird’s eye view (kudos to Milvio D.).

The Heart of Agile is a radically simpler approach to achieve outstanding outcomes. The founder is Dr. Alistair Cockburn, one of the Agile Manifesto co-authors.

Whatever your initiative, it involves changing the world just a little bit. The world, however, is remarkably resistant to interventions. The best ideas fail because of misunderstandings of how the world will react, or because of errors in implementation.

The Heart of Agile simplifies two decades of practice into four critical imperatives that amplify your effectiveness:

  • Collaborate (collaboration, trust): closely with others to generate and develop better starting ideas. Communicate often to smooth transitions.
  • Deliver (learning, income): small probes initially to learn how the world really works. Expand deliveries as you learn to predict and influence outcomes.
  • Improve (experiment, change): the direction of your ideas, their technical implementation, and your internal processes.
  • Reflect (insights, improvements): periodically, along the way. Think about what you’ve learned in your collaboration and from your deliveries.

See https://heartofagile.com for more detailed information.

In my bird’s eye view I positioned the Heart of Agile in the culture-targeted box.

Dia25See my blog for the complete Bird’s eye view on the agile forest article.


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