Stressed Out? 7 Ways to Boost Work Productivity By Saying “No”

Vartika Kashyap
ProofHub Blog
Published in
5 min readJan 3, 2019


Being productive with your day is not a rocket science, but it demands a lot of hard work and an exceptional level of time management skills. The modern workplace is moving at a lightning speed and we all get only 24 hours a day to match up with it. Now, feeling a little stressed or underproductive at the end of the day is absolutely normal. In fact, it has happened to even the most productive and skilled professional. We all have spent the days where we get the feeling of not being able to fully utilize the day or be productive with it.

So, what’s the catch here? Where do we go wrong? What can we do to make sure that we end each day on a productive note? The answer is — stop saying the word “Yes”, every time.

Saying “Yes, I can” to every task/project coming your way is a common attitude in today’s business world. Every individual, manager or executive, has the habit of over-committing themselves by agreeing to every deadline. Now, this generous attitude might work in the beginning, but soon, all you are left with is a mountain of tasks and no time left to get them done. This is where you realize the power of the word “No” and how it can help to improve productivity at work.

Since you have got limited hours in a day and so many tasks to do, we would like to make things easier for you. In this post, we’ll walk you through 8 simple but effective strategies to increase productivity in the workplace by saying the word “No”.

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Say “NO” to the illusion of perfection

It’s common amongst entrepreneurs and employees to get stuck in the task in the attempt to achieve perfection. They all forget the real fact that nothing is ever perfect. Now, if you also have the habit of chasing the illusion of perfection, quit it right now. Don’t forget that there are other tasks in your to-do list that also need your attention. Just perform every task to the best of your ability and move on.

Say “NO” to the digital mess

Every unread email or file from an old project takes your attention off your current priorities. That’s why if a task/project has been completed, remove it from your list immediately. We can understand that there are crucial data that you’re afraid to get rid of completely, but the least you can do is remove it from your digital clutter and save it somewhere else. Do this and you will definitely experience lower anxiety and higher productivity.

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Say “NO” to unproductive meetings

We all have been there — sitting in an unproductive meeting thinking about every minute that is being wasted and how it could have been utilized in a better way. But regret is not going to help you bring back the time you and other employees have lost from their day. Just make sure that all your future meetings are arranged as short as possible (20–25 minutes). Define a specific start date and end date for every important meeting and do stick to it.

Say “NO” to multitasking

Multitasking has been proved “unproductive” and “problematic” over and over again. Practicing the habit of multitasking reduces creativity and innovation in employees. Why? Because when people multitask, they tend to lose track of their task and make more mistakes. In fact, according to the Stanford researchers who evaluated the group of people based on their ability to multitask — those who believe that they are good at multitasking and that it is helping them perform better are actually worse than those who prefer to do one task at a time.

Say “NO” to work that is not a priority

There is nothing worse than stressing about a seemingly tangled mess of tasks, meetings, emails, reports, and appointments, and then ending your day at work right where it started. Avoid spending your day without knowing what’s important and what can be done later. Go through your to-do list, take each task by the order of its importance, and create a workflow that helps you to win the day ahead of you task by task.

Say “NO” to multiple breaks

Breaks are a great way to grab a cup of coffee and get your head out of the chaos. But taking too many breaks can often make you lose track of your position or project. So, say yes to breaks, but keep it short. Don’t make it your habit to go for a break after every 30 minutes, keep your breaks short and limited. Remember, the whole idea of taking breaks between work is to get some fresh air and come back to your desk with a clearer mind and better concentration.

Say “NO” to interruptions

If you want to be better at work and you are seeking an answer to the question “How to increase productivity in the workplace?”, you will have to limit the number of interruptions in your day. That means no more unnecessary gossips or chats in the office. If you feel the need to perform better, resist the temptation of inviting a colleague into your office for an innocuous chit-chat. Just keep your doors closed and think about ways you can empty some space from your already-full to do list. Always try to work smarter, not harder — that’s how you will boost your productivity.

Say “NO” to average outcomes

We all know how uncomfortable it gets when you’ve to tell someone that you haven’t delivered your best or that they haven’t done a good job. But if we look at the bigger picture, it’s worth going through such uncomfortable moments. Don’t let yourself or anyone else around you get away with an “average” outcome. Challenge yourself to be more productive at work and complete every task/project with the best possible outcome. Also, tell everyone in your team to follow the same approach.

Don’t let stress and crazy work culture kill your productivity. Switch to ProofHub!

Do you have your own mantra for staying productive at work? Tell us about it in the comments below!

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