Startup Business Is A Competition. Here’s How You Can Beat It.

Vartika Kashyap
ProofHub Blog
Published in
4 min readJul 26, 2018


What is your recipe of awesomeness? I know it’s a painful session to get the awesomeness out of your new business when you often face tough and direct competition. Once you are clear with how to start a business and a business has set up, ready to enter the market, what will make your business better than other people’s businesses is how you differentiate yourself.

With time, it mat get a bit more difficult to stand out in the crowd of startups. So, starting right from the beginning is important to make your company’s culture great. Back then, when I started with ProofHub, I was aware of the harsh reality that not every startup gets success. But within a couple of months, I was quite happy with the progress that we were making. It was harder than what most people think, but I had my goals clear. Usually, after the start of a business, every entrepreneur has a question in mind: What’s next? And even I was sailing in the same boat. In the busy field of startups, the competitive nature of the industry forced me to employ serious strategies for gaining on the competition.

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Learning from my experiences, here’s how you can knock your competitors over their head and have the bigger slice of the pie.

Stay ahead of technology curve

In today’s accelerating business landscape, startups need to unlock the competitive edge. And technology is the key. Technology is making it possible for businesses to work from virtual offices, communicate with businesses, manage projects on cloud-based technology and manage the whole business well.

By the growing competition, if you are not staying in loop with the technology, you will need to make certain adjustments to reap the same benefits.

Give your customers some value

Whenever you are trying to make a significant impact in your industry, make sure your customers feel proud of your business over your competitors. Make a better offer to your customers by knowing what your competitors are offering. Customer service should be your top priority in your new business ideas.

Treat your customers well, go that extra mile to make your customers feel special, making their experience an enjoyable one. It can also be surprisingly effective in attracting your competitors’ customers. Make sure you pay attention to their ideas and make your brand appealing to them.

Dig hard to monitor the competitors actions

I believe all of you are familiar with the proverb, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” You must always know what your competitors are doing. Closely observe their marketing strategies, their potential steps, track every part of their promotions to stay one step ahead of them.

Fortunately, digital tools have made quite easy to monitor the competitors actions fairly easy. Keep a good track of the things, monitor their success and failures to plan your successful strategies.

Build a unique brand personality

The quote “Know thyself” holds a good weightage when it comes to brand building. Your brand identity should cover a full package of your business with a compelling logo design and form a strong identity to writing a manifesto.

Taking examples of brands like Apple, they have considered every bit of innovation to build their brand identity and that’s how the things should be. The goal is to create a unique impression to identify your brand’s uniqueness to differentiate you from your competitors.

Have a strong determination to succeed

A startup that forgets to focus on the best foundations will always remain on the shaky grounds. As a startup entrepreneur, if you are really hungry to beat the competition, be determined on your goals.

Giving up should never be infused in your business. Your determination towards your goals will keep you moving forward.

How many of these ways are part of your startup growth strategy or your new business ideas? Make a wise choice to create an advantage for your business. Be ambitious and do everything required for your business growth.

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