Top 4 Communication Barriers at Workplace (How to Overcome Them)

ProofHub Blog
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5 min readJun 23, 2023


Communication Barriers at Workplace

Communication barriers have been there in companies for decades and eliminating them must come on to your top priority list in this technology-driven world today.

In recent years, we have seen a great change as workplaces have shifted from the office to virtual spaces. We usually get our work done and communicate in cloud technology. But even now we are facing the same problems in communication as we faced decades ago.

The Covid-19 has also significantly impacted almost all the organizations as many of them were not prepared to have a communication plan for global team members.

So how can you identify and overcome the most common communication barriers? Well, let’s get into the depth of these barriers and help your organization to bring on the right path in 2023.

What Are Communication Barriers?

According to SHRM, a survey was done of 400 companies with 100,000 employees and each noticed and noted an average loss per company of $62.4 million per year and it was only because of the ineffective communication to and among the team members.

Communication barriers within your company can be anything that prevents the team members from receiving or comprehending the messages, information as well as ideas. Communication barriers also prevent messages from being sent effectively, creating a disconnect within the organization.

Miscommunication at the workplace causes certain problems, thus leading to negatively impacting the confidence of employees, employee engagement, productivity, trust as well as revenue.

When you do not have any plan or solution to handle these barriers, then it can also negatively affect various sections of your organization. This thing can go down from executives to managers and from managers to their teams.

Top Communication Barriers

When it comes to communication barriers at the workplace, complications in having effective communication are more prominent than ever before. The rise of remote working, multigenerational workplaces, new communication technology as well as various employee anticipations are just some of the examples of communication barriers that have arisen in the recent few years.

Here are the four most common communication barriers in the workplace:

  • Communication Skills

As people possess different communication skills and styles, dissimilarities in communication skills can cause some communication barriers between the communicator and the recipient of the message.

While communicating, some people might be comprehensive as well as specific and on the other hand, some may prefer to generalize.

As you know, effective communication skills are really critical, but only 18% of the team members are assessed on the basis of their communication skills in performance reviews.

  • Inappropriate Communication Technology

When it comes to communication technology, it can make or even break the communication plan of any organization. Today there are many different technologies available; you need to find the right technology that meets the needs of your organization.

Thanks to modern internal communication tools such as ProofHub, Slack, or Basecamp as they are made to address the most significant communication barriers.

Say hello to seamless communication with these 13 internal communication tools.

  • Lack of Personalization

Employees would have less engagement with each other when there is a lack of personalization. If the recipient has the information that does not fit well with his or her working requirements or they get the messages that do not interest them, then this will be more than likely that they will ignore the communications in the future.

Therefore, content localization is one of the major preferences for communication professionals whose objective is to boost employee engagement as well as experience at the workplace.

  • Disengagement

When it comes to effective communication, it is all about the engagement among the parties involved in communication. If these parties do not engage more often, then this can ruin the objective of effective communication.

There are many organizations around the world today which are struggling to manage disengaged employees. They are not able to grab their attention and are also struggling to have open and transparent communications.

Way to Overcome Communication Barriers

If you want to become an effective leader, then communication plays a critical role. Identifying the reasons for communication barriers and knowing the communication preferences of people are one of the most important conditions to have effective communication at your workplace.

Here are some ways which can guide you to have a workplace without any communication barriers:

Focus on Open and Direct Communication

Organizations that promote effective communication can overcome communication barriers more easily than which do not. So, you should make open, honest as well as clear communication an important component of your work culture. You have to work on training employees and making them understand the importance of actively listening as well as communicating their needs to team members.

The Right Technology Helps to Overcome It

Collaboration in the workplace has always been a critical element of organizations. One of the important objectives of managers is that they want employees to work together and stay connected as working together can bring more innovative ideas.

The right online communication tool can assist employees in collaborating on projects no matter where they are working from. Therefore, whether you have people working in your office or they are working remotely, the right kind of communication tools like ProofHub, Trello, Slack, or Skype can help you to tackle the communication barriers that might come in the process.

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Understand Your Team

Most of the communication barriers occur in the workplace as we do not understand the other side. It might be that you do not understand their point of view or something related to their work, and in the end, we are not able to communicate appropriately as we cannot understand them.

It probably does happen in every organization that an employee from another department is talking about something and someone from other different departments clearly does not have any idea what he or she is talking about.

To make this stop from happening, you should make sure that every employee working in the organization has some kind of idea of what other team members are doing.

You should do it by using a handbook, having a summary of all your positions in an organization, or you can introduce the duties of new employees.

You can also recommend some courses to your employees so they can learn more about various procedures in your organization. For instance, an HR professional can have a great advantage from a course on web development essentials; therefore helping them to find the best developers for your organization.

The Bottom Line

For an organization to be successful, effective communication in the workplace is more than necessary. Before organizations can address these barriers, they first need to identify them. HR managers can facilitate employees with the tools, resources as well as training they need.

On the other side, employers can lead by creating an environment of inclusive, open, and effective communication in their workplace. I am sure that all these ways will help you break these so-called communication barriers in 2023.

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