Man prevents a risk event from occurring; thereby, promoting project success.

Qualitative vs Quantitative Risk Analysis

Oct 15, 2023

By: Dr. Michael Shick, MSPM, PMP, CSM

Are you tired of navigating project management risks, constantly looking for the proverbial dangers that could derail your project's success?

In the dynamic world of project management, understanding and mastering the art and science of risk management strategies is not just an ancillary skill but a necessity. Project Managers live in a realm where every project, no matter how meticulously planned, is subject to unexpected challenges. That's why understanding the strength of qualitative and quantitative risk analysis is vital.

Imagine for a second that you have a keen ability to swiftly identify potential threats, anticipate curveballs, make data-driven decisions that maximize your resources, and safeguard your project's success. By the end of this article, you will have the foundational knowledge to do just that.

Read on to discover the marriage of qualitative and quantitative risk analysis methodologies. You'll understand the nuances of prioritizing and evaluating risks effectively, balance your intuition with data, continuously monitor and control, and improve your risk analysis strategies. Get ready to accelerate your projects with a robust, flexible, and precise approach. Let's get to it!

Key Takeaways

  • Identification: Leverage expert judgment, intuition, and resources such as historical data qualitative risk management to identify and prioritize potential threats, offering adaptability (Shick, 2023a).

  • Precision through Quantitative Assessments: Harnesses numerical data and sophisticated tools, such as decision trees and Monte Carlo simulations, to deliver an accurate, data-driven evaluation of risks (Project Management Institute, 2023). Doing so affords empirical support for decision-making.

  • Strength in Integration: Marrying qualitative adaptability with quantitative accuracy highlights risks from a multi-progged perspective. This approach balances the uncertainties associated with risk and ensures a holistic threat recognition.

  • Balance: The subjective nature of qualitative risk assessment insights paired with the objectivity of quantitative assessment data addresses and minimizes blind spots.

The balancing act of meeting project objectives while lowering risk probability.

Understanding Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Management

Risk analysis is critical in every project's lifecycle, serving as a cornerstone to reaching successful outcomes. Risk analysis has two primary methodologies whereby you should perform qualitative risk analysis and quantitative risk management.

Qualitative risk management provides a more subjective lens, harnessing the power of expert judgment to assess potential threats based on perceived likelihood and impact (Shick, 2023). This approach relies on teams' collective wisdom rather than solely complex data. It proves invaluable when detailed numerical insights are scarce and the need for speed is present.

In the other vein is quantitative risk management, which delves into data. This analysis leverages mathematical equations to derive tangible outcomes associated with potential risks. This data-driven technique offers quantifiable results that guide and inform the decision-making processes.

By interweaving these approaches, a robust risk assessment strategy comes into view. Depending on a project's scope, project managers may apply either methodology; however, using both offers a greater understanding of threats. Doing so minimizes project discrepancies, ensuring a more effective and efficient allocation of resources from the onset (Project Management Institute, 2023).

Risk identification  of external risks are a consideration when attempting to meet project outcomes.

Implementing Qualitative Risk Management

In essence, qualitative risk management is a marriage of intuition and expertise and hinges on a project team's subjective judgment (Shick, 2023a). The beauty of qualitative risk management lies in its methodology. What I mean by this is that Project Managers and teams engage in intensive brainstorming sessions, which aid in teasing out and identifying potential risks, threats and opportunities while simultaneously allowing the team to map out probable constraints. This proactive approach aids in anticipating those proverbial curveballs and sets the stage for more controlled and efficient responses.

To go more in-depth, the journey of implementing the qualitative risk analysis process is as follows:

Identifying Risks

The initial step involves a scan of the project landscape to identify potential hazards. Project managers must identify hazards early in the project. To do so, they must conduct brainstorming sessions and stakeholder interviews and delve into hard data, ensuring they account for all risks. (Project Management Institute, 2023). Another opportunity is to leverage the work breakdown structure (WBS). This approach is helpful because the WBS is a hierarchical decomposition of all the work to be performed on the project. This is an excellent avenue for Project Managers and Risk Managers to identify risks, thereby helping to minimize overall exposure on any given project as well as mitigate future dangers associated with those risks.

Analyzing Risks

Once the risks are spotlighted, they're subjected to scrutiny. The aim here is to gauge the potential impact of these risks on the project's objectives. It's a process that weighs the probability against the potential fallout, helping prioritize which risks warrant immediate attention (Kerzner, 2017). This could involve using matrices, the Delphi method, or SWOT analysis. Analyzing these dangers is essential in forming effective strategies for handling risks efficiently within any organization setting.

Developing Risk Response Plans

With a clear understanding of the risks at hand, the next step is to draft robust response strategies. These could range from preventive measures to contingency plans, all tailored to either minimize or eliminate the identified hazards (Shick, 2023). It involves developing contingency plans, allocating ownership risk response plan to stakeholders, and monitoring progress to reduce the effect on the organization or project. A customized approach must be taken when creating these strategies, as they should match each assignment's exact needs.

Quantitative risk analysis qualitative factors contribute to a risk rating.

Implementing Quantitative Risk Management

Quantitative analysis is objective in nature. It harnesses the power of empirical data to highlight potential challenges (Shick, 2023b). At the crux of the methodology lies tools such as decision tree analysis and Monte Carlo simulations (Kerzner, 2017). When deployed to perform quantitative risk analysis, these tools offer invaluable insights into the probability of risk occurrence.

While the quantitative approach brings the allure of precision, it's crucial to acknowledge its limitations. Regardless of sophistication, no predictive model can account for all external variables or unforeseen events. Project managers must complement quantitative insights with qualitative understanding to ensure a well-rounded risk assessment strategy that suits the unique intricacies of every project (Shick, 2023b).

That said, the structured approach to implementing quantitative risk management encompasses the following:

Collecting Data

Data Collection: 

Quantitative risk management requires obtaining data to assess risks and effectively draw sensible conclusions. This is done by drawing in diverse sources, such as empirical data, expert judgments, or external databases, which must be amassed (Project Management Institute, 2023). The precision and accuracy of collected material are vital. Regarding data, there is an old saying, "garbage in, garbage out."

Analysis & Forecasting: 

Predictions about the identified risks are made with advanced analytical tools like decision tree analysis and a Monte Carlo simulation. These tools calculate these risks' likelihood and potential impact, thereby painting a clearer picture of what lies ahead (Shick, 2023). While these tools offer valuable insights regarding possibilities related to a particular danger, it is necessary for project managers to also factor in a qualitative assessment from experts when making decisions concerning their plans.


Evaluating risk response measures is an essential part of quantitative risk management. This is because if project managers are equipped with precise forecasts, they can explore the various strategies to mitigate or negate the identified risk. Project managers must weigh out every potential outcome to choose and determine which type of strategy will best meet their needs when confronting any form of danger that could arise from such projects.

Risk avoidance, transferring risks elsewhere, reduction efforts, and acceptance are some common responses used. Nonetheless, they all come attached with specific advantages and drawbacks. That said, ultimately, a project manager must remember that evaluating these options allows firms/organizations to allocate resources appropriately. Doing so helps alleviate problems while running operations correctly despite whatever dangers exist around them. It balances optimizing resources while safeguarding project objectives (Kerzner, 2017).

Project risks may impact project completion even when all the data is available, as well as the risk ratings.

Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

Mastering risk analysis requires a blend of both qualitative and quantitative approaches, each complementing the strengths and weaknesses of the other (Kerzner, 2017). Merging the intuitive insight of qualitative measures with the empirical precision of quantitative analysis creates a robust and holistic strategy, equipping organizations to tackle uncertainties with unparalleled efficiency.

This necessitates a holistic approach, wherein qualitative assessments complement their quantitative counterparts, filling in the gaps and offering a more rounded perspective. Organizations are better positioned to navigate the maze of risk by weaving together qualitative and quantitative analyses (Kerzner, 2017). Such an integrated approach not only refines the risk appraisal process but also acts as a guiding star, steering organizations toward tailored risk assessment strategies that resonate with their unique needs and objectives.

Rating Risks:

By qualitatively evaluating risk and pairing those with its potential impact and probability (i.e., quantify), organizations can "rack and stack" risks on a continuum. In other words, this marriage aids in prioritizing risk occurring and allocating resources more efficiently (Shick, 2023a; Shick, 2023b).

Balancing Subjectivity and Objectivity:

Risk management must balance subjectivity and objectivity to ensure that decisions are rooted in reliable information. While qualitative analysis offers a quick and adaptable overview based on expertise and experience, quantitative analysis brings in data and empirical evidence. Together, they paint a comprehensive picture, allowing for informed decision-making (Project Management Institute, 2023). This significantly raises the chances of successful completion when managing projects.

Continuous Risk Assessment and Informed Decision Making: 

Organizations can adjust and refine their risk management techniques by periodically using data in response to evolving project conditions and new information (Kerzner, 2017). Further, project managers are better poised to make decisions with both approaches. This is because they garner a deep understanding of the project's vulnerabilities from qualitative insights and are supported by quantitative metrics.

As managing risk go down, monetary value is likely to go up.

Final Thoughts

Risk management is a cornerstone in project management, demanding a blend of qualitative and quantitative assessment methodologies. While the qualitative approach brings forth the ability to identify risk rapidly, the quantitative analysis offers an anchor, grounding decisions in complex data and empirical evidence. This pairing expedites the risk assessment process while simultaneously ensuring it is grounded in accuracy.

Project Managers, Risk Managers, and Project Teams should embrace the combination of analyses and maintain a balance between both methods. By integrating both, organizations gain an advantage by preemptively tackling challenges and shielding their projects from unforeseen setbacks that could have a ripple effect across all life cycle phases and milestones.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is qualitative and quantitative risk management? 

In a project context, qualitative risk assessment and quantitative risk management are methodologies that help assess potential risks. Qualitative risk management is more subjective and relies on expert judgment and intuition; quantitative risk assessment depends on data and empirically measuring risks (Shick, 2023).

  1. What is quantitative risk management?

Quantitative risk management provides an objective view of risks by assigning numerical values. This allows Project Managers and Risk Managers to evaluate contingencies regarding cost, time, and potential outcomes. 

  1. What is an example of qualitative risk management?

An example of qualitative risk management is when a project manager conducts a risk assessment based on expert opinions, stakeholder feedback, or historical data. This could involve categorizing risks as high, medium, or low based on factors regarding their likelihood and potential impact.

  1. What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative risk PMP?

Project Management Professional (PMP): Qualitative risk analysis offers a quicker, more intuitive assessment of individual project risks.

On the other hand, quantitative risk analysis is more time-intensive and data-reliant, evaluating the cumulative effect of multiple risks and their interconnectedness.

  1. How can I integrate qualitative and quantitative risk management approaches into my project?

Marrying qualitative risks and quantitative risk assessments allows the Project Manager, Risk Manager, and Project Team to swiftly identify and prioritize potential threats while providing objective measures for those risks of higher priority/impact.

Risk should be regularly revisited and fine-tuned as required. Remember, an integrated approach, combining the adaptability of qualitative insights with the precision of quantitative data, provides a more holistic view of the risk landscape and enables informed decisions.


  • Kerzner, H. (2017). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling (12th ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
  • Project Management Institute. (2023). Process groups: A practice guide. Project Management Institute.
  • Shick, M. J. (2023a, October 1). Understanding what is qualitative risk analysis. ROSEMET.
  • Shick, M. J. (2023b, October 7). Understanding what is quantitative risk analysis. ROSEMET.

About the author: Dr. Michael J. Shick, MSPM, PMP, CSM, founder of ROSEMET, is a combat-wounded warrior and retired senior military officer turned esteemed academic and project management expert. Holding a doctorate from Creighton University and serving as an Assistant Professor at Western Carolina University, Dr. Shick’s dedication goes beyond credentials, as he commits to empowering individuals and organizations toward project excellence. With an extensive military, academic, and project leadership background, he epitomizes resilience, expertise, and a steadfast devotion to fostering growth and success in others.