Why do some teams have it all together, hit their targets effortlessly, and stay on top of their game? It’s often because they’ve nailed the efficiency game! According to Wrike’s 2023 Efficiency Report, 57% of business leaders stated their employees have raised concerns about being overworked, and 47% of these leaders feel the pressure to improve efficiency within their teams or departments to help reduce burnout.  

A team that’s open to change and continuously looking to improve is unstoppable. So, how do you foster such an environment? It starts with leadership. Encouraging open communication and feedback can help spot areas for improvement and innovate new, better ways to get things done.

If you are ready to see your team’s efficiency skyrocket, keep reading as we explore these strategies in detail. We will also show you how you can use work automation software like Wrike to improve efficiency in your workplace. Let’s make work smarter, not harder!

Streamline your work processes and achieve maximum efficiency in Wrike start your free trial now.

Why is work efficiency important?

Why should you care about work efficiency? Here are some key questions to consider:

  • What could your team accomplish with an extra hour each day?  
  • How much could you reduce operational costs by reducing wasted time?  
  • What impact would improved efficiency have on employee morale and retention?  
  • How quickly can you respond to customer needs compared to your competitors?  
  • Could refining your workflow lead to better quality outputs? 

Efficiency equals productivity. It’s not rocket science. When processes are streamlined, and tasks are cleared faster, your team can accomplish more in less time. When you’re efficient, you’re cost-effective. Fewer hours spent on tasks means less money spent on operational costs like overtime pay. Plus, when you streamline operations, you often reduce the need for extra tools or complex systems, trimming expenses even more.

Efficiency also plays a huge role in employee satisfaction. Nobody likes to feel bogged down by cumbersome processes or endless backlogs. When your team can work smoothly and see real results, it boosts morale and job satisfaction. Happy employees are more productive and stick around longer, reducing turnover and the costs associated with hiring and training.

 In short, efficiency is the engine that powers lasting success. 

The impact of efficiency on business performance

Efficient workflows mean there’s less rush and more focus on doing things right the first time. This leads to higher-quality products or services, satisfying customers, and reducing the time and cost associated with rework. Happy customers and fewer headaches? Yes, please!

Now, think about your team’s workload. Efficient processes help distribute workloads more evenly. This means employees are less likely to feel overburdened and more likely to engage with their work. Higher engagement typically leads to better job satisfaction and lower turnover rates. Who doesn’t want a happy and stable team?

Finally, there’s the growth aspect. Efficiency frees up resources — time and money — that can be reinvested into scaling your business. Whether it’s through exploring new markets, investing in R&D, or enhancing your marketing efforts, the possibilities for growth multiply when you’re not constantly caught up in inefficiencies.

Factors that affect work efficiency

What factors affect employee performance? Here are key factors your company can identify to enhance overall efficiency.

Time management

Good time management often tops the list of must-haves when we talk about boosting productivity at work. Why? Because mastering your time means getting more done with less stress.  

Have you ever noticed how some days you zip through your tasks while others you feel stuck in the mud? That’s often down to how you manage your time. When you plan your day right, you can align your highest-energy periods with your most important tasks, ensuring the big stuff gets the attention it deserves.

What about deadlines? We all have them. The trick is using them wisely. Deadlines can be a great motivator, but only if they’re realistic. Unrealistic deadlines can lead to stress and burnout, which are big no-nos for efficiency. Setting achievable deadlines helps ensure a steady pace and avoids last-minute rushes.

So, next time you’re planning your day, ask yourself: 

  • Am I making the best use of my time? 
  • How can I minimize distractions? 
  • Are my deadlines realistic? 

The answers could help you tap into your productivity potential like never before!

Workplace environment

You won’t believe how much your workplace environment impacts your productivity. Having a clean, well-organized space can do wonders for your mind. So, consider this: How can you optimize your space to boost your focus and efficiency?

Think about noise levels. They can be a big deal, especially in open-plan offices. Noise can really distract you, right? Whether it’s the constant chatter or the hum of machinery, finding ways to manage noise can help maintain concentration. Maybe noise-canceling headphones or designated quiet zones could be the answer. Have you tried these out yet?

So, how does your current workspace measure up? 

  • Are there changes you could make to enhance your environment and boost your productivity right now? 
  • How do you feel about the color scheme around you?  
  • Is there enough room for you to move around freely?  
  • What about the air quality in your workspace? Does it feel stuffy, or is there enough ventilation to keep you feeling fresh and alert?

Reflecting on these aspects might provide insights into making your workspace functional and a place where productivity thrives.

Employee wellbeing

Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report highlights that East Asia, the U.S., and Canada top the charts for stress levels at 52%. Meanwhile, Australia and New Zealand follow closely with 47%.

So, ponder on this:

  • Have you ever noticed how stress affects your ability to develop new ideas?
  • How often do you feel overwhelmed at work, and how does that impact your productivity?
  • What changes could you make to reduce stress and enhance creativity in your work environment?
  • Can you identify stress triggers within your team, and what steps have you considered to mitigate them?

Thinking through these questions can help you understand and tackle stress, paving the way for more creativity and productivity in your daily work life.

When we think about work efficiency, it’s easy to get caught up in tools and techniques. But what about the driving force behind all those tasks and projects? Yes, I’m talking about the people! Employee wellbeing is a must if you’re aiming for top-notch performance.  

When your employees are less stressed, they’re happier and more productive. They solve problems faster and come up with more innovative ideas. So, what can you do about it? For starters, you can:

  • Encourage breaks
  • Offer flexible work arrangements
  • Don’t tolerate abusive managers
  • Train managers to be coaches
  • Provide stress management resources
  • Recognize employees’ efforts and make them feel valued 

Each of these elements of employee wellbeing can significantly impact overall work efficiency.  

How to boost workplace performance

If you’re looking to increase your employee performance, follow these key steps:

Prioritize and set goals

Have you felt overwhelmed by a mountain of tasks? Yep, we’ve all been there. The trick is to clear the fog by defining what’s urgent and what’s not. Ask yourself, “What are the must-dos for today?” This simple question can turn a chaotic day into a focused productivity sprint!

You’ve probably heard about SMART goals. They are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. By setting SMART goals, you know exactly where to direct your energy. Big goals are great, but they can also be daunting. Break them down into smaller, bite-sized tasks. This makes them less intimidating and easier to manage. Plus, there’s nothing more satisfying than ticking off those little tasks one by one!

You can use Wrike’s templates to streamline the entire process, making it efficient and manageable.

You can use the:

product screenshot of wrike space templates on aqua background

Manage your time wisely

How do we master the art of time management in a bustling work environment? Prioritize wisely. Think about a team leader in an advertising agency who must juggle multiple campaign projects at once. The trick is to identify which tasks are critical for project deadlines and which can be deferred or delegated.  

Time blocking is another effective strategy. Imagine a software developer who dedicates specific hours to coding, meetings, and reviewing progress each day. This method helps minimize the potential for multitasking, often leading to errors and increased stress.

Leveraging technology is also important. Modern workplaces like Walmart Canada and Granicus use tools like Wrike to streamline project management. With Wrike, you can set clear task priorities, deadlines, and collaborative efforts in one space, enhancing transparency and accountability across teams.

With Wrike, you can:

  • Monitor the hours spent on various tasks using the time tracker
  • Use calendars to get a visual overview of deadlines, meetings, and task durations  
  • Prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance, schedule them accordingly, and adjust as priorities shift 
  • Keep everyone on track with automated notifications that alert team members about upcoming deadlines and pending tasks 
  • Use the reporting tools to generate performance reports in real time  

See what Cassidy Pillow, Senior Manager of Client Services Operations at Granicus, has to say:

“With Wrike’s reporting tools, we can broadcast department-wide KPIs. My team can also pull reports to see the status of the things that we are responsible for, identify where we’re having compliance issues with processes that we rolled out, and pinpoint the teams that we need to work more closely with on managing their bookings or time tracking.”

product screenshot for wrike task view on aqua background

Encourage regular breaks

Let’s talk about a simple change that could ramp up productivity in your workspace: encouraging regular breaks.  

Have you noticed how, after some time staring at the same task, things start to blur, and your mind feels like it’s wrapped in cotton wool? That’s your brain telling you it needs a breather! Regular breaks can refresh your mind, reduce stress, and increase work performance.  

Think about it — your creativity might dwindle when you’re working non-stop. Stepping away for a few minutes can shift your perspective and inspire new ideas. Those ‘Aha!’ moments during a coffee break or a quick walk often lead to breakthroughs. Regular breaks keep the mental gears greased so you and your team can solve problems more creatively.

How do I implement breaks without losing track of time? Here are some ideas:

  • Take scheduled breaks — a five-minute break every hour or a 15-minute break every two hours can work wonders.
  • Encourage activities that get people moving or relaxing, like a quick stretch, walk around the block, or meditation.  
  • Allow time for team members to catch up with each other informally.  

How do you know if it’s working? Check in with your team. 

  • Are they feeling more energized? 
  • Do they report higher satisfaction or output? 
  • Are team members using breaks to step away from their desks, or are they just switching screens?
  • Have they mentioned decreased office-related ailments, like eye strain or back pain, since implementing more frequent breaks?
  • What do employees say about the break culture? Do they feel it’s sufficient, or perhaps too frequent?

These questions can help you gauge the true effectiveness of regular breaks in your workplace.

Promote a positive work environment

Think about it — when you’re happy and supported at work, you’re likely to be more productive, right? So, how can you create such an atmosphere? It starts with understanding and addressing your team’s needs.

Imagine you’re having a tough day and turn to a colleague or manager who genuinely listens and supports you. That’s the kind of culture that breeds efficiency. Encouraging managers to be approachable and empathetic goes a long way. Simple gestures like asking, “How are you doing?” or “What can I do to help you?” can significantly impact morale and productivity.

A workplace where everyone feels included and respected regardless of background will likely have higher job satisfaction and productivity. Activities that promote inclusivity, like team-building exercises that cater to diverse groups and training sessions on cultural competence, can also make everyone feel more connected.

How Wrike can improve work efficiency

High-performing organizations know their time is valuable, so they make strategic decisions by bringing their teams into a unified workspace like Wrike. 

Do you have a team spread across the globe? Are your colleagues working remotely? No problem! Wrike brings everyone together with real-time updates. You don’t have to wait for email responses or get drowned in CCs. Comment directly on tasks, tag your teammates, and keep everyone in the loop.  

That’s not all! You can even use automated workflows to eliminate those repetitive tasks that eat up your day. Routing requests, setting task dependencies, or sending notifications? Automate them and focus on the work that needs your brainpower.  

So, whether you’re looking to streamline communications, keep projects on track, or free up time for your team to innovate, Wrike’s got your back.  

Are you ready to increase your team’s efficiency and balance workloads? Start your free trial of Wrike today!