If you're looking to manage your projects more efficiently and effectively, creating a project planner template is an excellent place to start. By outlining the goals, tasks, deadlines, and resources required for each project, you can keep your team on track and improve your chances of achieving success. Let’s take a closer look at the process of creating a project planner template from scratch.

In the process of creating an effective project planner template, you might want to consider harnessing the power of a robust project management tool like Wrike to improve your efficiency and get better outcomes. To get a feel of how it can enhance your project planning, try a 14-day free trial of Wrike today!

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Understanding the importance of a project planner template

Before diving into creating your project planner template, it's important to understand the crucial role it plays in project management. A project planner template helps you get organized, plan and schedule tasks, manage resources, and avoid delays caused by miscommunications or missed deadlines.

A project planner template plays a crucial role in successful project management. It provides a structured format for organizing and tracking all aspects of a project, from tasks and deadlines to resources and budgets. By offering a clear visual overview of the project timeline and progress, it helps teams stay aligned and focused on their goals. It also aids in identifying potential bottlenecks or delays in advance, enabling proactive problem-solving. Furthermore, a project planner template streamlines the planning process, saving time and effort that can be better spent on executing the project. In essence, it's an indispensable tool for efficient and effective project management.

Benefits of using a project planner template

There are numerous benefits of using a project planner template, and here are just a few:

  • Better organization and time management: Break down your project into smaller, manageable tasks, which makes it easier to stay organized and on track.
  • Improved task delegation and progress tracking: Assign tasks to team members and track their progress in real time to ensure that everyone is working efficiently and deadlines are being met.
  • Enhanced communication and collaboration: Having a central location for all project-related information allows team members to easily communicate and collaborate with each other.
  • Efficient resource allocation and cost control: By having a clear understanding of the resources required for your project, you can allocate them more efficiently and control costs more effectively.
  • Identification of potential risks and issues: Identify potential risks and issues early on, so you can take proactive steps to mitigate them.

Key components of an effective project planner

With these benefits in mind, let's explore the key components of an effective project planner. Your project planner template should include the following essential elements:

  • A clear and concise project overview: Include a brief description of the project, its goals and objectives, and any constraints or limitations.
  • A detailed project timeline or task list: Make sure to have all the tasks required to complete the project, along with their estimated durations and deadlines.
  • Resource allocation plan: Outline the resources required for each task, including personnel, equipment, and materials.
  • Risk and issue management plan: Identify potential risks and issues and provide a plan for mitigating or resolving them.
  • Communication and collaboration plan: Outline how team members will communicate with each other, as well as with any stakeholders or clients involved in the project.

Choosing the right format for your project planner template

Planning a project can be an intimidating task, but having a project planner template can simplify the process. Once you've identified the key components, it's time to choose the format that works best for you. Here are a few to consider:

Excel or Google Sheets

Spreadsheets like Excel or Google Sheets are popular options for creating project planner templates. They are easy to use and allow you to customize your template easily. With these tools, you can track progress, set deadlines, and share the document with your team members. A popular go-to for small businesses and startups, spreadsheets are also great for budget tracking and resource allocation. Since they are widely used and understood, you and your team members can take advantage of this software and browse the many free templates online for inspiration.

Project management software

If you're looking for a more comprehensive option, project management software like Wrike can help you plan, track, and collaborate on every aspect of your project. Features such as task boards, Gantt charts, and collaboration tools make project management software popular among bigger teams with more complex projects. 

This type of software is also a favorite among remote teams since it allows for real-time collaboration. Project management software can help automate certain tasks, such as sending reminders or updating progress, saving you time and increasing productivity. To help you visualize the effectiveness and user-friendly interface of Wrike, here's a screenshot that highlights the gantt chart view. We're sure you'll love how it complements and supports your project planning needs.

gantt chart

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Physical or printable templates

While digital templates are popular, some teams may prefer a physical option that can be hung up in the office or printed out. A physical template is also a great option for visual learners who prefer to see the big picture.

These are created using a whiteboard or a large piece of paper and can be customized to fit your specific project needs. They are also a great option for teams that prefer to work in a more tactile environment, as they allow for easy updates and changes.

The Role of AI in Project Planning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming an increasingly valuable tool in project management. AI can help predict project outcomes, recommend optimal resource allocation, and even automate certain tasks. Incorporating AI capabilities into your project planner template can streamline your processes and lead to more successful project outcomes.

Leveraging AI in Project Planning

Harnessing AI in project planning is a new frontier for most project managers. Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the project management landscape, offering unique capabilities that enhance project planning. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data much faster than humans, identifying patterns and trends that can inform decision-making.

In the planning phase, AI can aid in estimating project timelines and budgets more accurately. 

By analyzing historical data from past projects, AI can predict potential bottlenecks or delays and suggest optimal allocation of resources. This helps in creating more realistic project plans that take into account various complexities and uncertainties.

AI can also automate routine tasks, such as scheduling meetings or updating task statuses, freeing project managers to focus more on strategic aspects of the project. Furthermore, AI-powered chatbots can provide instant responses to team inquiries, enhancing collaboration and communication.

Moreover, AI can play a pivotal role in risk management. By predicting potential risks based on past data, AI allows project managers to proactively address these issues in the planning stage itself.

In essence, AI in project planning leads to more efficient processes, improved accuracy in predictions, and ultimately, successful project outcomes. As AI technology continues to advance, its role in project planning is set to become even more significant.

Potential Drawbacks of AI in Project Planning

While AI offers many benefits in project planning, it also comes with certain drawbacks. One of the main concerns is the high cost of implementing AI-based solutions. Small to medium-sized businesses may find the initial investment in AI technology prohibitive.

Another challenge is the lack of human intuition and judgment. While AI can analyze data and predict trends, it lacks the human ability to understand the nuances and complexities of certain situations. It also can't replicate the emotional intelligence that human project managers bring to the table, which is crucial in team management and decision making.

Data privacy is another concern. AI relies heavily on data, and mishandling of this data can lead to privacy issues. Businesses need to ensure they have robust data protection measures in place when using AI.

Furthermore, there could be resistance from team members who might be uncomfortable with the idea of AI replacing certain aspects of their job. It's important to manage this change carefully, ensuring team members understand how AI will enhance, not replace, their roles.

Lastly, like any technology, AI is not immune to errors. Incorrect data or coding can lead to inaccuracies in AI predictions, potentially impacting project planning.

Setting up your project planner template

In this section, we'll take you through the steps of setting up your project planner template.

Defining project goals and objectives

This is a crucial step that will help you to determine the scope of the project and identify what needs to be done to achieve your desired outcomes. Take the time to think carefully about what you want to achieve with your project, and be as specific as possible.

If you're planning a website redesign project, your goals and objectives might include increasing website traffic, improving user experience, and increasing sales. 

Identifying project tasks and milestones

Once you've established your goals and objectives, it's time to identify the tasks and milestones you need to accomplish. This stage involves breaking down your project into smaller, more manageable tasks. You can use a detailed task list or a visual timeline to help you with this process.

If you're planning a website redesign project, your tasks might include conducting user research, creating wireframes, and designing and testing the website.

Estimating task durations and deadlines

The next step is to estimate how long each task will take to complete and set realistic deadlines.

Be sure to consider any dependencies between tasks when estimating task durations and deadlines so that your project stays on track. For example, if you can't start designing the website until the wireframes are completed, you'll need to adjust your timeline accordingly.

Allocating resources and team members

The final step in setting up your project planner template is to assign the necessary resources and team members to each task. When allocating resources and team members, consider each person's strengths and weaknesses before assigning tasks. You may also need to consider the availability of each team member and adjust your timeline accordingly.

Customizing your project planner template

There are a few ways you can customize your project planner template to meet your specific needs. Let’s take a closer look at some of the top methods.

Incorporating your company branding

Your project planner template should reflect your company's branding and make your documents easily recognizable. Follow your organization’s branding guidelines when incorporating your company's logo, color schemes, and fonts. The result will be a consistent look and feel across all your project planning documents.

Adjusting for different project types and sizes

Every project is unique, and your project planner template should be flexible enough to accommodate different project types and sizes. Depending on the complexity and scope of each project, you may need to adjust the format of your template.

Large-scale projects may require breaking down the project into smaller, more manageable tasks. On the other hand, smaller projects utilize a simpler format.

Adding additional features and functionality

Your project planner template should be tailored to your team's specific needs. If your team requires additional features or functionality, such as reporting tools or budget tracking, consider customizing your template to include these features. This allows you to streamline your planning process and ensure that your team has the tools they need to stay on track. It will be easier to identify potential issues early on and make corresponding adjustments as needed.

The Impact of Remote Work on Project Planning

The rise of remote work has brought new challenges and opportunities to project management. Discuss how your project planner template can be adapted to cater to remote teams. This could include aspects like timezone considerations, virtual collaboration tools, and more.


Creating a project planner template is an important step in improving your project management processes. By outlining your goals, tasks, resources, and timelines, you can better organize your work, track progress, and achieve success. Whether you choose a spreadsheet, project management software, or a physical option, make sure your template includes the key elements necessary for effective project management.

Augmenting your project management with Wrike templates can greatly eliminate administrative time. Simplify your project planning with effective planner templates designed using Wrike's work management platform. Begin your free trial now and discover the key to perfect project organization and seamless execution.


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Note: This article was created with the assistance of an AI engine. It has been reviewed and revised by our team of experts to ensure accuracy and quality.