Mentoring Day Workshop

June 24

10am - 4pm AEST 

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How to use your greatest human capabilities for the unfolding future 











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I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which I live - the Yalukit-Willam - and pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging. 






self | workload | information | focus | learning | collaboration 




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I’ll read it for you 

I’ve just finished the audio book recording for my new book Argh! Too much information, not enough brain: A practical guide to outsmarting overwhelm’. 

Thanks to Maryanne and Ryan at SquareSound we were able to record over two half day sessions. 

I love reading my own books, being the narrator. 

After working in radio for some years, recording commercial voiceovers for ad agencies and volunteering for Vision Australia as a newsreader, the sight of a booth and a microphone is a familiar one. 

When you put the headphones on, think of someone who is listening to the book and then read it to them ... it’s a great project to complete. 

Next I’ll record a session of ‘pick ups’ to fix any blips or errors after the proof readers have listened. 

And then it will be out into the world to places like Audible where you can download it and start listening. 

Are you an audio book fan? After I’d recorded ‘ish’, my book two years ago, people said they listened in the car, on the bus, at the gym, walking the dog, house cleaning, cycling, sleeping, on road trips and while others in the house were watching tv they weren’t interested in. 

What about you? Would you like me to read the book to you? 

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