Sat.Mar 18, 2017 - Fri.Mar 24, 2017

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How to use data analytics to improve project outcomes

Moira Alexander

Ted Friedman, vice president and analyst at Gartner , predicts the following three trends will drive fundamental changes in the use of data and analytics: Instead of just reflecting business performance, data analytics will become the driver of operations. Data and analytics will become infused in an organization's architecture from end to end, creating a holistic approach -- and this will include strategic project management in EPMOs (enterprise program management offices).

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Do You Really Care About Your People?

Project Risk Coach

Do you really care about your people? I mean really. I have to admit there have been times in my project management career when I cared more about the project than the people. After all, I was under a lot of pressure to deliver the project come hell or high water. And my reputation and career were on the line. When I think back, I’m not proud of how I handled some situations.


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PPM and Agile transformations are two birds of a feather…

Kiron Bondale

At first glance you might think that there couldn’t be two organization transformations with greater difference than the adoption of project portfolio management (PPM) and the transition to agile delivery. After all, when problems occur, the former is often perceived as bureaucracy gone mad whereas the latter is negatively stereotyped as just do it chaos.

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Project Management Apprenticeships: A Game Changer for Business

Rebel’s Guide to PM

In this guest post, Michelle Symonds explains what the new UK Higher PM Apprenticeship scheme means for aspiring project managers and employers. We’re delighted that APM has been granted a Royal Charter and that the project management profession can now be recognised on the same level as, say, a chartered accountant or a chartered engineer, with all the discipline and rigour such accreditation entails.

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Don’t Get Left Behind: Leveraging Modern Product Management Across the Organization

Speaker: Kat Conner

The challenge of delivering the right product at the right time while aligning with strategic objectives is more pressing than ever. Product management is evolving and gaining greater recognition as the means to creating this connection. Join our upcoming webinar and learn how to streamline your product development processes, infuse product thinking across the organization, and bridge the gap between vision and delivery.

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Risk Management Short Course

Musings on Project Management

Need a quick introduction to risk management? Don't have much time for this? Try this very short course on risk management (no math required!). Risk management short course from John Goodpasture. Read in the library at Square Peg Consulting about these books I've written Buy them at any online book retailer!

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Project Portfolio Management from Binfire


Today many organizations recognize that effective project management is a strategic priority which impacts greatly the product life cycle, speed to market and competitive advantage. Ultimately, the company’s bottom line is impacted by how well a company can utilize its resources to achieve the highest level of output for delivering products to the market.

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How to Come Up With a Flexible Project Management ?

Projects are not easy to incorporate and maintain because anyone working in the project management field can tell every project is bound to fail and there will be an excessive use of budget and resources. Regardless of the size and complexity of the project, this is mostly the case. With that being said, the overall management is usually not guided properly and this results to project not being finished within schedule.

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Advice for Project Managers: Soft Skills Needed for Success


Are you grappling with a stubborn project management work issue? Ask Elizabeth! Email your question to: Anonymity included. . Dear Elizabeth: I’m currently a technical project contributor, but I would like to be a project manager. In my experience, technical leads don’t always have the people skills necessary to manage teams and processes.

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Resource Planning Tools for Creative Teams


Although there are many different teams that use Ganttic, a number of the plans made in Ganttic are for something creative since they often need a flexible tool for project portfolio management. Whether it’s a mobile solution, web page, an event, an animation or a commercial - Ganttic is happy to be a part of the process that helps those creative minds come together.

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The Project Clinic: Assessing Project Health, Planning, and Execution

Speaker: Ketan Jahagirdar

Picture your projects as patients, each with its own unique rhythm and pulse, thriving under your care 🥼 🩺 Step into the role of an innovative project doctor in our upcoming webinar! This session is your guide to evaluating the health of your projects through Waterfall and Agile practices like Scrum and Kanban. We’ll explore the vital signs of project success through the lens of the “iron triangle” metrics, using deliverables as tracers.

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Big Collaboration Capabilities for Even the Smallest Businesses


Is Your Business Big Enough for a Collaboration Platform? Successful freelancers wear all of the hats in their businesses. From marketing, account management, and customer acquisition and satisfaction; to estimating, billing, collections, and accounting; choosing, purchasing, and maintaining all of your own IT equipment and connectivity; and finally….oh yeah, actually doing the work that you’re being paid to do.

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How to Gain Trust with Anyone In The Organization ?

Trust has become a huge factor in our life and for the people around us. It also happens to any existing organization and it’s an important factor in building relationships with your team and the company as a whole. It is fragile because once a trust is broken, it will be too difficult to regain it. That is why trust should be taken care of. Studies show that organizational trust in the business industry has declined over time, especially in terms of teams and leaders.

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5 Things to Look for in Your Next Project Management Tool | TeamGantt Blog


The right project management tool meets your project management needs. Not the other way around. Here are five things your next PM tool should have to ensure you and your team are in sync and productive.

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SwiftKanban Product Update- February & March 2017


Last couple of month updates of SwiftKanban focused on some of the key features like Cycle Time Threshold, revamped ESP Analytics and Enhanced To-Do Board and there are several enhancements done with this update. 1) Cycle Time Threshold. The Cycle Time Threshold feature enables a Kanban team to better manage their Cycle Time (or System Lead Time) performance.

2017 60
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Toward a Unified Project Management Understanding

The objective of this research is to dispel misunderstandings about crucial project management terms and their definitions. It aims to accurately place these terms and facilitate a comprehensive global understanding of their meanings.

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How We Improved Our Project Manager’s Life With Active Collab


Here at PopArt Studio , a full-service digital agency from Novi Sad, we handle a lot of complex projects that require a lot of planning and extensive client collaboration. However, that’s not always easy, especially for our project managers. At least, it wasn’t until we discovered Active Collab. Managing projects takes a lot of work. Our workflow has remained the same since we started the agency in 2009.

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How to Make a Strategic Plan ? – { Part 2 }

In the previous article, we talked about the first three questions in our strategic plan that will help you organized the information needed for your strategy outline. This is the second part of our strategic planning series where we analyze the next set of questions. Our sole focus right now is the planning model and reach of the plan. What is The Plan’s Reach or Scope?

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What to do When a Team Member Needs to Rant


When a team member needs to rant, give him or her a safe space. With a few 'ranting' ground rules you can help them release some negativity. In fact you can turn a negative rant into a positive plan for action. The post What to do When a Team Member Needs to Rant appeared first on PMStudent.

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3 Work Dinosaurs: Prehistoric Tools That Should Be Extinct


There’s a reason why dinosaurs are extinct. And while the exact theory pinpointing their demise is still being debated by scientists (crashed comets? climate change? mammals eating dino eggs?). The fact remains that they didn’t survive with the times and simply died out. Your workplace has similar dinosaurs. Those are the dated work tools or work processes that used to be able to handle the job but are no longer viable in this day and age of increased connection and collaboration.

2017 53
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Navigating the Future: Generative AI, Application Analytics, and Data

Generative AI is upending the way product developers & end-users alike are interacting with data. Despite the potential of AI, many are left with questions about the future of product development: How will AI impact my business and contribute to its success? What can product managers and developers expect in the future with the widespread adoption of AI?

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Estimating Accuracy Mathematics

Herding Cats

In the estimating business, like many things in project management, there is confusion about principles, practices, and processes. And sometimes even outright misinformation. . Here's an example used by the #NoEstimates advocates. Starting in 1986, there is a sentence that says more or less what the slide says below. A good estimation approach should provide estimates that are within 25% of the actual results, 75% of the time.

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How to Make a Strategic Plan ? – { Part 3 }

We are now in the third part of our plan within a planning stage where we now cover a new set of questions; this time focusing on the timeframe plan and how to utilize it for a successful strategic planning implementation. What’s Your Timeframe Plan? Meetings or sessions are arranged to be able for everyone to come up with unique ideas for the mission, vision, and objective.

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Best Time Tracking Apps That Will Boost Your Efficiency!


Hello! Let’s begin this new week with a brand new post about BEST TIME TRACKING APPS that you can find on the market. As there are hundreds of them out there, we had a rough time picking just a few, and our choice is completely subjective. Still, we believe that you will find them interesting! […].

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Hiring Advice for Growing Businesses


1. Sometimes you’ll hire the wrong person. Most of the time you’ll hire the right person. But sometimes, you’ll hire the wrong one and that’s normal. When you have 40 employees, one bad hire doesn’t have the same impact as when you have 10. You could strive to be 100% right all the time and be super conservative when it comes to hiring, but it will only slow you down.

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Understand Digital Debt, Form a Team, Set Goals, and Plan Roadmap for Transformation

Understanding digital debt is crucial before digital transformation. Assemble a team to assess internal operations, market pressures, and digital debt's impact. Define future digital vision with measurable goals. Refine hypotheses and conduct market analysis. Develop a roadmap for transformation with defined projects, cost estimates, and governance.

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6 Ideas to Improve Your Project Resource Management


Resource Management is all about getting the right people, equipment, and materials in the right place at the right time. This is a top challenge for project managers everywhere! Lack of proper resource planning can lead to resource shortages during project execution, which can quickly derail or halt a project. The following resources will help you to identify, allocate, track, and optimize resources on your project.

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How to Make a Strategic Plan ? – { Part 4 }

We are now on part four of our five-part series of strategy planning , plan within a plan. If you want to gather more information on how to start your own strategic planning , you can check the preceding articles that cover different questions under different areas of the strategy. The main subjects of this article are the strategy resources needed in order to implement strategy planning and its processes and tasks.

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Tools- aren’t the answer to your Agile Transformation

Stepping Into Project Management

The most hyped up idea during an Agile Transformation is the search for tool that would best suit your organizational needs. Tools is necessary, however isn’t the priority in your Agile journey. In the process the focus shifts to the tool and then purpose of the transformation is lost. It reaches a point where transformation is equated with tool. You don’t need fancy tools and a huge budget to start something small.

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Where is the Adult Supervision on this Program?

Herding Cats

Most programs I work are in trouble in some form - other wise they would not have hired us to help. . One quote we use to describe these situations is. What's the difference between this program and the Boy Scouts? The Boy Scouts have adult supervision. But today I sat through an out brief from a government auditing agency on a $10B program and one of my colleagues made this statement.

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Strategic Project Finance Essentials: A Project Manager’s Guide to Financial Metrics

Speaker: Ketan Jahagirdar - Sopheon’s Director of Product Management

Empower yourself as a project manager with insights that directly influence the financial landscape and strategic direction of your organization! Join us for a deep dive into the world of financial strategy, as we dissect key metrics that drive CFOs and business leaders’ investment decisions. This session will equip you with the necessary tools to craft compelling business cases as well as a comprehensive understanding of the crucial distinction between capital expenditure and operational expend