Sat.Oct 03, 2020 - Fri.Oct 09, 2020

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Schedule Management Plan: How to Make & Maintain One

Proper schedule management helps you deliver a project on time. The process starts before the schedule is even made, and continues throughout the project. An ideal plan includes setting expectations, including how to develop, manage, execute and control the project schedule. While not an essential part of every project, any complex one should have a schedule management plan to keep you on track.

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The Confusion Over Risk

Project Risk Coach

Why are many project managers confused over risks? Why do some project managers include positive risks in risk management and others do not? Let's clarify what we mean by the term risk. Risk is a Choice Merriam-Webster defines risk as “the possibility of loss or injury: peril.” Most people think of risk as pure risk, as a possibility of loss. However, risk management has evolved to include a more holistic view that includes the potential for positive outcomes.

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Smart and Not-so-Smart

Musings on Project Management

Harry’s poker-playing friend claimed that probability theory, and how to play your cards according to the rule book, was the easiest thing in the world. But what separated smart players from the not-so-smart was the ability to understand how their opponent was thinking.

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Five reasons why Scrum is not helping in getting twice the work done in half the time

I originally published this blog on Medium and reposting it here again. You can read the original post here. When I saw the book “Art of doing twice the work in the half time,” Dr. Jeff Sutherland wrote, my reaction was like how someone can claim that? What will be an effective measure to have such a comparison? I went through the book and loved it.

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Don’t Get Left Behind: Leveraging Modern Product Management Across the Organization

Speaker: Kat Conner

The challenge of delivering the right product at the right time while aligning with strategic objectives is more pressing than ever. Product management is evolving and gaining greater recognition as the means to creating this connection. Join our upcoming webinar and learn how to streamline your product development processes, infuse product thinking across the organization, and bridge the gap between vision and delivery.

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PMP Exam Changes: Why you should consider taking the exam now

Rebel’s Guide to PM

The PMP ® exam is changing on 2 January 2020, so here’s your Public Service Announcement: If you want to certify as a PMP before the exam changes, you’ve just about got time. I believe it takes 8-12 weeks to comfortably prep for the exam so if you are committed and prepared to put the effort in, you can squeeze in your exam. Why bother? Because the changes to the exam content outline are more radical than we’ve ever seen before.

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What Is a PERT Chart in Project Management?


In project management , there are a number of tools and techniques that can be used to plan, schedule, and coordinate tasks and resources. One of those tools is a PERT chart. But what is a PERT chart exactly and how does it help simplify complex projects? . This article will provide a thorough walkthrough of PERT charts within project management, including a comprehensive PERT chart definition, an overview of PERT chart advantages, disadvantages, and tips on how best to use a PERT chart for your

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Product Roadmap First Principles — Empower Scrum Teams, Align w/ Stakeholders

It’s Product Roadmap Building Time Again! The end of 2020 is nearing, and it’s product roadmap building time again—at least for those companies that are still dedicated to the old command-and-control model. In the next few weeks, executives and (key) stakeholders will come together and define new functionality that they believe will meet business demands in 2021.

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How To Make A Project Roadmap (With Roadmap Template)

The Digital Project Manager

The post How To Make A Project Roadmap (With Roadmap Template) appeared first on The Digital Project Manager.

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Inside the PMP Question Writing Process

Leading Answers

When you hear the words “PMP Exam” what springs to mind? If you already have the credential, then probably the study period and stress associated with obtaining it. If you are thinking of taking the exam, then maybe some apprehension and anxiety. An effective way to reduce this anxiety is through learning about the exam goals and approach. Information is power, and it never hurts to be more aware of the process before taking the exam.

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The Project Clinic: Assessing Project Health, Planning, and Execution

Speaker: Ketan Jahagirdar

Picture your projects as patients, each with its own unique rhythm and pulse, thriving under your care 🥼 🩺 Step into the role of an innovative project doctor in our upcoming webinar! This session is your guide to evaluating the health of your projects through Waterfall and Agile practices like Scrum and Kanban. We’ll explore the vital signs of project success through the lens of the “iron triangle” metrics, using deliverables as tracers.

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How To Adopt Remote Work In A Marketing Team


In these extraordinary times, organizations are adapting so they can continue moving forward with business. One way to adapt quickly is to look for inspiration from those who have accomplished what you are trying to do. These lessons learned can serve as a starting point for creating a playbook for your organization. Setting up remote work processes for your marketing isn’t something you can do with your eyes shut.

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Make Sure You Don’t Build High Performing Teams Just to Deliver Wrong Things Faster

Regardless of the framework chosen, any iterative and incremental product development approach can be reduced to one goal: Creating a working product in short cycles. A working product is “Done”. Done means “there is nothing left to do”. “There is nothing left to do” implies that the result of the work is in a state that can be used by the end-users when released.

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Evernote vs OneNote – Which One Is the Best for You?


Note-taking is one of the most important skills that the managers or any other working professional should have. It helps you to note down all of the different tasks and activities that you have to do in your work and personal life. As with project management, software plays a major role in the note-taking world as well. While we talk about nTask as the best project management application in the market , in this article, we will talk about the two big software in the note-taking world.

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Excel in Project Execution With These 5 Surefire Tips

ProProfs Project Management

Do you know most of the organizations have a 70% project failure rate? . Usually, it is considered that low budget is a prime reason why maximum projects fail, but that’s not true every time. According to a report from Gartner , projects funded over 1 million dollars have a 50% higher failure rate than ones budgeted below $350,000. Ok, ok, let’s not create more suspense.

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Toward a Unified Project Management Understanding

The objective of this research is to dispel misunderstandings about crucial project management terms and their definitions. It aims to accurately place these terms and facilitate a comprehensive global understanding of their meanings.

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Is Your Organization Mature Enough for Digital Transformation?

Epicflow Blog

Today, digitalization touches upon every sphere of modern life. It’s almost impossible for a business to exist without any attempts to digitalize its operations. Companies whose authorities think that they don’t need it, put their success at risk. . So how many organizations are truly digitally mature? And how do you know if your company is digitally mature enough?

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Scrum Master: Contract your Team!

In this blog series I would like to address topics that relate to professional team coaching as well as Professional Scrum. In the course of becoming a Professional Team Coach, I noticed a lot of interesting topics for Scrum Masters who want to improve their coaching stance. . I'd like to note that models and terms I am using and discuss are not mine.

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Trello vs Project Management Software Comparison (2020)


Trello and are popular project management tools. Yet, they are very different in their approach to project management. In this article, we pit Trello vs to help you decide which one you should go with. We’ll compare both tools based on: Ease of use Planning features Task management features Team management features And, finally, pricing.

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Task Management Tools: Why Hybrid is a Good Thing


I’d like to start this piece with a statement, “Hybrid is good.” Today’s business is one dominated by productivity demand and compounded with tight budgets and a remote workforce. People are needing better and easier-to-use tools to help keep them on track and productive, while centralizing their project information, documentation, and collaboration spaces for the support of multiple projects and programs.

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Navigating the Future: Generative AI, Application Analytics, and Data

Generative AI is upending the way product developers & end-users alike are interacting with data. Despite the potential of AI, many are left with questions about the future of product development: How will AI impact my business and contribute to its success? What can product managers and developers expect in the future with the widespread adoption of AI?

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Review Blue Striped Frog – The agile community – Magazine (1st edition)

Henny Portman

Last week I received a few copies of a brand new magazine from Vincent Snijder, the editor in chief. A magazine for the Blue Striped Frog community of professionals who are engaged in transformations towards increasing organizational agility. At this moment there aren’t that many physical magazines focussing on project management, agile, or agility anymore.

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Workshop: Is The Sprint Goal Optional In Scrum?

Want to help your Scrum Team make sense of why Sprint Goals matter? And more importantly, how you can create more focus together? We’ve got your back with this tried-and-tested string of Liberating Structures. All you need to do is run it and off you go?—?without coaches, facilitators, and consultants. You can also download this string as a nicely styled PDF. .

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How will PPM need to change in the next few years?


You've likely heard the adage 'change is the one thing you can always count on,' and this especially rings true in the business world. Regardless of the industry, companies will continue to be affected by different changes due to global competition, new legislation, or other factors. These changes and the uncertainty surrounding them will make effective Project Portfolio Management (PPM) increasingly difficult in the years ahead.

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Best Practices For Digital Nomads


This is a guest post by Ashley Kimler. Becoming a digital nomad seemed like the dream job for many of us a few years ago. But it also seemed like a pipe dream in a world where “going to the office” was the norm. However, things have changed drastically in 2020, with around 42% of the American workforce operating from home. This transition to remote working has paved the way for more digital nomads than ever.

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Understand Digital Debt, Form a Team, Set Goals, and Plan Roadmap for Transformation

Understanding digital debt is crucial before digital transformation. Assemble a team to assess internal operations, market pressures, and digital debt's impact. Define future digital vision with measurable goals. Refine hypotheses and conduct market analysis. Develop a roadmap for transformation with defined projects, cost estimates, and governance.

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The First 3 Steps to Enacting Meaningful Change


Have you ever been in a meeting where someone uttered the phrase, “but we’ve always done it this way,” as if that somehow makes it okay? Yeah, me too. . And if I’m being completely honest, that moment often perfectly illustrates the point that we need to do better. To shake off the dust and cobwebs and breathe some new life into whatever it is — a process, a campaign, a brand message, etc.

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Do-It-Yourself-Workshop: Is The Sprint Goal Optional In Scrum?

Want to help your Scrum Team make sense of why Sprint Goals matter? And more importantly, how you can create more focus together? We’ve got your back with this tried-and-tested string of Liberating Structures. All you need to do is run it and off you go?—?without coaches, facilitators, and consultants. You can also download this string as a nicely styled PDF. .

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Manage Your Resources to Support Portfolio Strategy During Uncertainty


The world is full of uncertainties and uncharted territory lies just around the next corner for many companies. It just so happens that we have been in uncharted territory for several months as the world comes to grips with the COVID-19 global health pandemic. Shifting resources to support operations in the current climate quickly became a new normal for many businesses.

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Is It Okay to Eat in Front of the Screen?


Are you on the fence about the rules involving eating your meals while on a call? Read what managers and entrepreneurs have to say about Zoom etiquette and eating. It’s official: Zoom is the most downloaded app on the App Store in a quarter, with 94 million downloads. When lockdowns began all over the world, the video conferencing app hit the right chord with professionals who were suddenly asking each other, “Can everyone hear me?”.

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Strategic Project Finance Essentials: A Project Manager’s Guide to Financial Metrics

Speaker: Ketan Jahagirdar - Sopheon’s Director of Product Management

Empower yourself as a project manager with insights that directly influence the financial landscape and strategic direction of your organization! Join us for a deep dive into the world of financial strategy, as we dissect key metrics that drive CFOs and business leaders’ investment decisions. This session will equip you with the necessary tools to craft compelling business cases as well as a comprehensive understanding of the crucial distinction between capital expenditure and operational expend