July, 2021

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How Many Online Tools Does The Average Digital Project Require?

The Digital Project Manager

The post How Many Online Tools Does The Average Digital Project Require? appeared first on The Digital Project Manager.

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Struggling to implement PM software? You’re not alone

Rebel’s Guide to PM

GetApp’s survey of over 1,000 managers, decision-makers and SME owners has revealed that despite the proven benefits project management software brings to businesses, more than half of employees opposed their managers’ suggestion to implement PM software. A whopping 55% of employees were against the implementation of project management software in their company. 25% of employees believed that PM software would give them too much work and would therefore not be worth it 14% didn’t see the value o


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How to Assemble a Project Team


Projects, no matter the size and scope, are complex. If they weren’t, they might as well just be tasks on a to-do list. Luckily, projects are also a group effort—for every project, there is a project team working together to make deliverables a reality. How do these teams come together? Not on their own! There are many ways to form project teams and many factors to take into account.

Cadence 459
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The only two things you need to know about statistics

Musings on Project Management

Number One: It's a bell, unless it's not For nearly all of us when approaching something statistical, we imagine the bell-shape distribution right away. And, we know the average outcome is the value at the peak of the curve. Why is it so useful that it's the default go-to? Because many, if not. most, natural phenomenon with a bit of randomness tend to have a "central tendency" or preferred.

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Don’t Get Left Behind: Leveraging Modern Product Management Across the Organization

Speaker: Kat Conner

The challenge of delivering the right product at the right time while aligning with strategic objectives is more pressing than ever. Product management is evolving and gaining greater recognition as the means to creating this connection. Join our upcoming webinar and learn how to streamline your product development processes, infuse product thinking across the organization, and bridge the gap between vision and delivery.

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60 Questions for the New Scrum Master — Take them to the Team!


TL; DR: 60 Questions for the New Scrum Master. Congratulations on your new Scrum Master position! Now what? What has served me well over the years is a combination of observation and asking questions. The following 60 Questions for a New Scrum Master may support you in learning more about the Scrum team’s way of working and the organization’s culture. ??


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Quick and Easy: This is New in the PMBOK Guide Edition 7


Founded in 1969 in the USA, the Project Management Institute is a global non-profit project management association. In 2020, the institute counted more than 600,000 members in over 200 countries, making it the PM organization with the largest membership worldwide. Besides certification programs and extensive market research programs, PMI has been publishing its PMBOK guide (Project Management Body of Knowledge) since the late 1990s by setting standards for project, program and portfolio manageme

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7 Best PRINCE2 Books for 2021 (Including PRINCE2 Agile Books)

Rebel’s Guide to PM

The PRINCE2® certification exam is tricky to pass because of the style of objective testing and the number of questions you have to answer. But PRINCE2 itself is not a difficult method to learn – and the official manual is actually pretty easy to follow and understand. When I did my Foundation and Practitioner exams, I only used the two official PRINCE2 handbooks: Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2. and the partner book: Directing Successful Projects with PRINCE2.

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Mastering the Workback Schedule: 5 Essential Tips


Have you ever gotten stuck trying to schedule a project? If you’re like most of us, the answer is yes. It’s the project management equivalent of writer’s block, and it can majorly slow down your planning. The good news is, there is no shortage of methods designed for tricky scheduling situations—whether it’s a lack of information, inspiration or anything else.

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What Is Moovila? Tool Overview: Work & Risk Management

The Digital Project Manager

The post What Is Moovila? Tool Overview: Work & Risk Management appeared first on The Digital Project Manager.

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The Project Clinic: Assessing Project Health, Planning, and Execution

Speaker: Ketan Jahagirdar

Picture your projects as patients, each with its own unique rhythm and pulse, thriving under your care 🥼 🩺 Step into the role of an innovative project doctor in our upcoming webinar! This session is your guide to evaluating the health of your projects through Waterfall and Agile practices like Scrum and Kanban. We’ll explore the vital signs of project success through the lens of the “iron triangle” metrics, using deliverables as tracers.

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Can Scrum work for hard deadlines?


If you’ve ever wondered whether Scrum can work for hard deadlines, the answer is – yes! Not only can Scrum work in these situations, but in my experience, using this agile framework increases the probability of meeting challenging deadlines. Scrum works well with deadlines because it’s based on empiricism, lean thinking, and an iterative approach to product delivery.

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The PMBOK® Guide Seventh Edition – is the cup half full or half empty?

Kiron Bondale

I was a member of Review Team 1 for content within the Seventh Edition of the PMBOK® Guide and had the opportunity to provide feedback on key chapters of both the Standard and the Guide sections of the document in late 2019. The PMBOK® Guide’s content has significantly evolved since then and having had a chance to read through a digital copy of the final published document this week, I wanted to share my thoughts on it.

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Level Up Your Business with The Best Document Management Software


Technological advancements in recent years have made the digitalization of business processes an inevitable feat. Companies all over the world endeavor to transform their business, equipping it with the latest technologies and machinery in an attempt to stay abreast with the rapidly transitioning world. The transition from the physical to the digital world is unavoidable, the same goes for paperback documents.

Software 179
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Project Decision-Making: A Process Guide For How To Do It Better

Rebel’s Guide to PM

We were due to go live with our pilot software launch but things didn’t feel right. We had the go/no go meeting and as I sat in the office, it just felt like we weren’t ready. My project sponsor was on holiday in Canada. I emailed him, because I wanted to be told that we were making the right decision. I got a message back: his hotel had burned down.

Process 442
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Toward a Unified Project Management Understanding

The objective of this research is to dispel misunderstandings about crucial project management terms and their definitions. It aims to accurately place these terms and facilitate a comprehensive global understanding of their meanings.

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What is Level of Effort (LOE)? Plus, 5 Tips for Effort Estimation


Level of effort (LOE) is a project management term that refers to a specific type of project activity called support activities. Support activities do not yield deliverables, but rather fuel tasks that do. Therefore, the level of effort is how much work these tasks will take to complete. This work can take many forms, such as updating project documents, maintaining equipment, submitting expenses, etc.

Estimate 411
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10 Best Professional Service Software Of 2021

The Digital Project Manager

The post 10 Best Professional Service Software Of 2021 appeared first on The Digital Project Manager.

2021 285
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Making Measurement Meaningful with Evidence-Based Management


More than ever, organizations must focus on their investments and efforts. The ability for organizations to be agile is what will help them pivot and sustain. However, defining success of an organization’s agility by output metrics like “number of agile coaches”, “number of people trained in Agile”, or “velocity” often results in what agilists refer to as Zombie Scrum (superficial agile transformation) because there is no real invitation for improvement, or even a notion of what improvement woul

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“You must unlearn what you have learned”

Kiron Bondale

Earlier this week, Amy Edmondson posted a quote on LinkedIn which really made me think. “ A crucial misconception is that psychological safety will naturally occur in any reasonably healthy workplace. In fact, psychologically safe work environments are rare. They require deliberate, consistent actions. “ Until this point, I had felt that most people would willingly choose to behave in a safe manner if they felt they had the freedom to do so, but her assertion that psychological safet

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Navigating the Future: Generative AI, Application Analytics, and Data

Generative AI is upending the way product developers & end-users alike are interacting with data. Despite the potential of AI, many are left with questions about the future of product development: How will AI impact my business and contribute to its success? What can product managers and developers expect in the future with the widespread adoption of AI?

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10 Startups With The Best Company Culture in 2021


What’s the one thing you are Photo by RF._.studio from Pexels looking for when searching for a job? That’s right. Company culture. A Glassdoor’s Mission & Culture Survey in 2019, found that over 77 percent of people across four countries?—?US, UK, France, and Germany, would consider company culture as an important factor for applying for a job, while almost 80 percent would consider a company’s mission and purposes before applying.

2021 159
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Is Hybrid Really a Popular Project Approach?

Rebel’s Guide to PM

What is hybrid project management? Hybrid project management is a trending topic at the moment. It refers to the tailoring of the project management approach in use to deliver work. Instead of rigidly adhering to a waterfall (predictive) or Agile (iterative) method, project teams pick and choose elements from the range of approaches to choose a way of working that suits them.

Telecoms 473
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Monday.com vs. ProjectManager: Which Is Best for Project Management?


If you’re looking for project management software, you’ll find countless options. This can make narrowing the search feel like an insurmountable task. Ultimately, choosing the right project management software comes down to identifying your needs and finding a good fit. Which one is the best for you? Let’s look at two of the top options, Monday.com and ProjectManager.

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The 25 Most Important Project Management KPI’s in 2021


Project management is a tricky animal. You need to make sure that a whole lot of elements are looked after and then you are going to get anywhere with your project development process, otherwise, it is going to fail. One such element that makes sure that your project development process is going to be a success are the KPIs. KPIs or Key Performance Indicators are critical during a project’s development phase and it’s their job to provide the data to the team, which will guarantee their success.

2021 158
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Understand Digital Debt, Form a Team, Set Goals, and Plan Roadmap for Transformation

Understanding digital debt is crucial before digital transformation. Assemble a team to assess internal operations, market pressures, and digital debt's impact. Define future digital vision with measurable goals. Refine hypotheses and conduct market analysis. Develop a roadmap for transformation with defined projects, cost estimates, and governance.

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How To Measure The Success Of A Scrum Master?


Recently, we hosted an “ask-me-anything” session with Jimmy Janlén. Jimmy is an Agile coach & trainer based in Stockholm. Before starting his own company “ Agile With Jimmy ”, he worked at Crisp and supported organizations like Spotify, Casumo, KRY in their quest to increase agility. Jimmy is the author of the book “96 Visualization Examples — a toolkit for the Agile coach”.

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Building a Project Plan – Conversation with Kristina Kushner | Video

Online PM Courses

Kristina Kushner spans the spectrum from Agile and Traditional project management. So, we speak about building a project plan in both domains. The post Building a Project Plan – Conversation with Kristina Kushner | Video appeared first on OnlinePMCourses.

Planning 143
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Use Multivoting to Simplify Group Decision-Making

Project Bliss

If you’re working with a group trying to choose among a large number of options, multivoting is an easy, structured approach to help your team make a decision. It’s a great tool to use with brainstorming sessions , but there are many times it can be useful. It’s a handy tool for your problem-solving toolbox. What is Multivoting? Multivoting is a way for a group to vote on a long list of ideas and narrow the list down to a few options for deeper analysis or final decision.

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Successfully Lead Projects Remotely

Rebel’s Guide to PM

Recently I joined Joe Pusz for his podcast, Project Management Office Hours. We talked about how to successfully lead projects remotely. As more and more companies transition to allow their employees to work from home post-pandemic, these skills are going to continue to serve us moving forward. Some of the key takeaways: Joe: How has COVID-19 really changed the way project managers are working these days?

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20 Common Mistakes Made by Inexperienced Project Managers

You’ve read the PMBOK® Guide several times, taken the certification exam for project managers, passed, and you are now a PMP®. So why do you keep making rookie mistakes? This whitepaper shows 20 of the most common mistakes that young or inexperienced project managers make, issues that can cost significant time and money. It's a good starting point for understanding how and why many PMs get themsleves into trouble, and provides guidance on the types of issues that PMs need to understand.