
Marketing-Led COVID-19 Growth Strategies: 2022 and Beyond


More than two years into the pandemic, COVID-19 is far from over. Businesses are tasked with beating pre-pandemic numbers, making marketing more essential than ever before. This is your chance to create unprecedented brand awareness, bring in the best leads sales has ever seen, and play an instrumental role in generating new and existing business revenue.

7 Ways to Supercharge Your ABM Strategy with Real-Time Intent


Learn how capturing buyers’ search behavior in real time can shorten your sales cycle.

Digitizing Logistics: Harness the Power of Data in 4 Steps


Entering a new demand gen position in a volatile market is nerve-wracking. All eyes are on you to make an impact — fast. That’s where your data comes in. In demand generation, data is essential for knowing who you should target and how. In this eBook, you’ll learn how to identify and target your ideal prospects — when they’re most receptive to hearing your message — using different types of data.

Level up Culture & EQ | Sign up for the #CultureDrop


Once a week, culture & leadership expert Galen Emanuele gives free, actionable EQ training in 5 minutes or less. Subscribe to the #CultureDrop and access free resources & content.

Modern Data Architecture for Embedded Analytics

Every data-driven project calls for a review of your data architecture—and that includes embedded analytics. Before you add new dashboards and reports to your application, you need to evaluate your data architecture with analytics in mind. Download the whitepaper to see the 7 most common approaches to building a high-performance data architecture for embedded analytics.

Monetizing Analytics Features: Why Data Visualization Will Never Be Enough

Think your customers will pay more for data visualizations in your application? Five years ago they may have. But today, dashboards and visualizations have become commonplace. Turning embedded analytics into a source of revenue means integrating advanced features in unique, hard-to-steal ways. Discover which features will differentiate your application and maximize the ROI of your embedded analytics.

Best Practices for Deploying & Scaling Embedded Analytics

Embedding analytics in your application doesn’t have to be a one-step undertaking. In fact, rolling out features gradually is beneficial because it allows you to progressively improve your application. You can get new capabilities out the door quickly, test them with customers, and constantly innovate. Read more about how to simplify the deployment and scalability of your embedded analytics, along with important considerations for your: Environment Architecture: An embedded analytics architectur

Blueprint to Modernize Analytics

As the value of modern in-app analytics becomes clearer, more companies are making analytics a priority before it becomes a problem. The longer you wait to modernize your application’s analytics, the harder you’ll eventually feel the pain of lost customers and missed revenue. If it sounds like a daunting task, that's because it is. But don't worry, Logi Analytics' Blueprint to Modernize Analytics will help you define your new solution, plot out how to get there and determine what you'll need in

The 5 Stages of Account-Based Marketing — and How to Win Them All


The benefits of account-based marketing are clear: internal alignment, shorter sales cycles, higher conversion rates. But none of this is possible without the most important element of a successful ABM program: good data. Data is the fuel that powers your ABM engine. Without it, you can’t find and reach your target accounts. Running an ABM program on data you don’t trust means wasted time, resources, and lost revenue.

16 Go-to-Market Plays for Your Entire Sales Funnel


Nurturing leads through your sales funnel is a daunting task for many business development teams, especially at the scale required to achieve lofty growth goals. But personalized prospecting is possible at scale with the right resources in place. At ZoomInfo, we’ve found that a rock-solid go-to-market playbook is key. That’s why we’ve gathered some of the best go-to-market plays from our own B2B sales and marketing pros and packaged them here for you.

The Ultimate Guide to Executive Recruiting


It's no secret that hiring for a senior management position is a tough task for recruiters, and remaining open to changes and seeking better ways to source candidates is critical. That is why building a strong framework for executive hiring that maximizes efficiencies while minimizing cost and time to hire is important. In this eBook, learn: The Discovery Processes.

12 Plays to Kickstart Your Recruitment Process


Good people are the foundation of any organization. That means placing the right people in the right roles can be the difference between your business growing or stagnating — and the competition is getting fierce. According to Harvard Business Review, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated seismic shifts that were already rocking the talent market. With remote work making white-collar jobs more flexible and talent more mobile, a rebound in hiring meant the race for quality candidates had become even

The Power of Conversation Intelligence


Looking for tools to surface the voice of your customer? Has Conversation Intelligence (CI) been discussed in your organization, but you don’t know where to start? Generally curious about the CI space? This eBook will answer all your questions and more by providing a complete overview of Conversation Intelligence and its importance in Revenue organizations, delivering impact from your Sales Development Representatives all the way to the C-Suite.

12 Tips for Selling to the C-Suite


Members of the C-suite are the key decision-makers when it comes to making major investments in their organizations. That’s why every salesperson’s goal is to make their pitch directly to a senior executive—ideally, sooner rather than later. The question for sales pros is this: Are you ready for the challenge, and opportunity, of selling to the C-suite?

100 Pipeline Plays: The Modern Sales Playbook


Hit your number with 100 Pipeline Plays. For the first time, we’re sharing the winning plays that took us from scrappy startup to a publicly traded company. Use our proven data-driven plays to grow your pipeline and crush your revenue targets. Close more deals with these winning plays! Meet your modern sales playbook - See how high-performing sales and marketing teams increase pipeline year-over-year.

Your Guide to Using Conversational Marketing to Drive Demand Generation


Conversations have always been at the heart of our most authentic relationships. Whether it’s a business deal or a personal connection, they are a driving force to solidify a foundation of trust. Enter conversational marketing — the new paradigm to tackling your business deals and converting prospects in minutes. Studies show the return on investment (ROI) of conversational marketing helps your marketing team drive revenue.

LinkedIn + ZoomInfo Recruiter: Better Data for Better Candidates


LinkedIn Recruiter is an effective way to start the recruitment process for an open position. But that doesn't mean there aren't some frustrating roadblocks on the network. That's where ZoomInfo Recruiter comes in, helping bridge the gap when job sourcing and communication efforts stall on LinkedIn. Check out our latest ebook for a guide to the in-depth, wide-ranging candidate and company data offered by ZoomInfo Recruiter — and make your next round of candidate searches faster, more efficient,

Alternatives to PPM Tools for Today's Anywhere Workforce

To survive in the future of work and beyond, PMOs need to evolve. This means moving beyond what most basic PPM tools offer to a tool that better fits their needs and sets them up for long-term success. But there are some important things to consider when adopting a whole new tool. The right project portfolio management tools should have all the features necessary to plan and execute in one place, giving PMOs the visibility they need to ensure project success.