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Risk Mitigation in Project Management

Risk is something every leader knows well. We all need to become comfortable with some risks. We are never going to eliminate all risks. What Is Risk Mitigation? It involves a process that we’ll explore in a moment but basically addresses the top risks in order to fully protect the project. Learn more.

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What Is Project Risk? 7 Project Risks to Track

Controlling risk is one of the most important areas of project management. Project managers need to know how to identify, track and mitigate project risk. Let’s learn what is project risk, some common examples and how can you manage it. What Is Project Risk? Get started for free today.

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What Is Positive Risk on Projects?

Project risk. Just the word risk can evoke the same kind of primal, fight-or-flight fear in project managers. But risk shouldn’t be feared, it’s just another part of the project to manage. All projects have some element of risk while other projects are inherently high-risk. (We’re

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Five Techniques for Risk Identification in Projects

Project Risk Coach

Risk identification is an integral part of project risk management. It is essential for any project manager to know what risks might affect a project and navigate them. This article will examine the five techniques for risk identification. Techniques for Risk Identification 1. Out of sight, out of mind.

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Driving Business Impact for PMs

Speaker: Jon Harmer, Product Manager for Google Cloud

You will deepen your understanding of your customers and their needs as well as identifying and de-risking the different kinds of hypotheses built into your roadmap. This session will provide you with a comprehensive set of tools to help you develop impactful products by shifting from output-based thinking to outcome-based thinking.

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Uncovering the Benefits of Clear Risk Statements

Project Risk Coach

I've looked at many risk registers through the years, and I've had difficulty understanding the risks many times. The risk statements were vague and lacked consistency. In this article, let's explore the benefits of clear risk statements. An accurate picture of one’s risk is important for making sound decisions.

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Uncovering the Role of Risk Owners in Agile Projects

Project Risk Coach

It's a simple question, "Who owns the risks in agile projects?" In this article, let's uncover the role of risk owners and how to perform risk management in agile projects. What is a Risk Owner? When it comes to taking ownership of risks, it allows team members to have greater control over their work.

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ERM Program Fundamentals for Success in the Banking Industry

Speaker: William Hord, Senior VP of Risk & Professional Services

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is critical for industry growth in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing risk landscape. Do we understand and articulate our bank’s risk appetite and how that impacts our business units? How are we measuring and rating our risk impact, likelihood, and controls to mitigate our risk?

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Everything You Need to Know About Crypto

Speaker: Ryan McInerny, CAMS, FRM, MSBA - Principal, Product Strategy

With 20% of Americans owning cryptocurrencies, speaking "fluent crypto" in the financial sector ensures you are prepared to discuss growth and risk management strategies when the topic arises. May 18th, 2023 at 9:30 am PDT, 12:30 pm EDT, 5:30 pm BST

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The Power of Storytelling in Risk Management

Speaker: Dr. Karen Hardy, CEO and Chief Risk Officer of Strategic Leadership Advisors LLC

Communication is a core component of a resilient organization's risk management framework. However, risk communication involves more than just reporting information and populating dashboards, and we may be limiting our skillset. Storytelling is the ability to express ideas and convey messages to others, including stakeholders.

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Successful Change Management with Enterprise Risk Management

Speaker: William Hord, Vice President of ERM Services

A well-defined change management process is critical to minimizing the impact that change has on your organization. Leveraging the data that your ERM program already contains is an effective way to help create and manage the overall change management process within your organization.

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5 Reasons Projects Fail

Project Management: Improving performance, reducing risk. of companies successfully complete 100% of their projects. Keep your projects on track – download our free eBook to learn how to avoid the most common project management traps. You can also use this checklist to see if your current projects are set up for success.

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Reshoring – The Future of Supply Chains

Speaker: Rosemary Coates - Board Member & Founder at Reshoring Institute, Best-selling Author, Host of the Frictionless Supply Chain podcast

Companies can lower the risk of disruptions by shortening the supply chain and moving manufacturing close to the points of sale to reduce the need for expensive and time-consuming transportation. How to reduce risk. Re-shoring is one solution that is gaining popularity as a result of pandemic-related issues.

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A CHRO’s Perspective on Substance Use in the Workplace: Supportive Strategies to Help Your Workforce Thrive

Speaker: Smita Das, MD, PhD, MPH, Medical Director, Psychiatry and Naj Wright, MBA, C-Suite HR Executive

Among people who have been experiencing depression (64% more likely) and anxiety (41% more likely), which have also become more prevalent over the last 18 months, the risk is even higher. Join this important webinar that addresses: How to identify employees at risk for - or experiencing - AUD or SUD in your workforce.

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Predictive Analytics 101: Your Roadmap to Driving Key Product Decisions

Speaker: Sriram Parthasarathy

Why every application that fails to talk about the future is at risk of getting replaced. You'll learn: The definitions of common industry terms including predictive analytics, advanced analytics, and more. How predictive analytics and business intelligence can be used together to drive smarter business decisions.