Mon.Sep 30, 2019

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Want Better Results in Software Projects? Try 3 Simple Questions

Project Risk Coach

Project managers crave successful software projects. They dream of crossing the finish line with a win. Project managers want to help their company and advance their career. Let's look at three powerful questions to help you identify lessons learned. Unfortunately, some project managers fall into a rut and fail to make progress. These individuals do the same things from one project to another project and expect a different result.

Software 207
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How to Improve Problem Solving with Lessons Learned

Rebel’s Guide to PM

So you’ve got a problem. It’s on the issue log. You’ve pulled together the key subject matter experts who can help get the project over this hurdle. But how do you come up with the answer? Sometimes, the answer to a problem is staring you in the face. There is only one sensible solution to fixing an issue. You are confident that using that approach is going to get you where you need to be.


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The Agile Workspace: The Undervalued Success Factor

TL;DR: Agile Workspace Means Choice Among a Diversity of Spaces . If you want your organization to become agile, adding more whiteboards to the workspace will not suffice. You have to abandon the idea that the workspace is an assembly line for white-collar workers. You need to let go Taylorism. We are now in the age of the creative worker. To become agile – and reap its benefits such as becoming more innovative –, you need a diversity of workspaces to support all forms of creative work: focus,

Agile 133
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The growing need for project leadership

Susanne Madsen

You are probably as familiar with the statistics of failing projects as I am. According to the PMI only 52 per cent of projects are delivered on time and 69 per cent meet their goals and business intent. The numbers vary by industry and region. In the UK the Infrastructure and Projects Authority, reports that less than half of their projects had a green or amber/green rating upon delivery.

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Don’t Get Left Behind: Leveraging Modern Product Management Across the Organization

Speaker: Kat Conner

The challenge of delivering the right product at the right time while aligning with strategic objectives is more pressing than ever. Product management is evolving and gaining greater recognition as the means to creating this connection. Join our upcoming webinar and learn how to streamline your product development processes, infuse product thinking across the organization, and bridge the gap between vision and delivery.

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15 Fascinating Time Management Articles To Read Right Now (Link Roundup 2019)


Best Time Management Articles That Are Loved: Reviewed And Ranked Managing time is of utmost importance to be able to conduct projects effectively. We all have the same hours every day, the reason why others achieve more is not only because they work harder but they also manage their time better. One should make a promise to have effective time management strategies.

2019 94

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How to Create the Perfect Marketing Strategy For Your Business

ProProfs Project Management

Marketing strategies are the base of reaching the top league. For example, Heineken. It wasn’t a big brand at the start, and now? Everyone knows the beer brand by heart. You know why? . Their marketing strategies make them unique and stand out of the crowd. . One such campaign that really helped Heineken come on the map was the Open Your World” global campaign. .

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11 Best Microsoft Project Alternatives


Today, if we were to run a poll among project managers, we would easily get 7 out of 10 people affirmative on using Microsoft Project for their project scheduling and planning. Microsoft Project is still the default tool when it comes to project management. But, is that still good enough?

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Product Update: Improved Calendar and List Customization

We are thrilled to announce our September release for the newest version of In this release, we focused on two big areas: the Calendar and the List, among other improvements. The Calendar is even more useful for managing work, and the view on the List can be further customized. Our new software was designed to let teams work in a variety of ways: the Gantt, List or Board.

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The Three Pillars of Workload


If you’ve been following our updates lately, you’re pretty familiar with Workload [[link] If you haven’t, here’s a quick summary: Workload is our newest feature which expands the ActiveCollab workspace. A bird’s-eye view of everything your teams are doing on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. A visual overview of all your projects and tasks. Tasks are the basic structural and functional units of ActiveCollab Workload, which is a living, moving system.

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The Project Clinic: Assessing Project Health, Planning, and Execution

Speaker: Ketan Jahagirdar

Picture your projects as patients, each with its own unique rhythm and pulse, thriving under your care 🥼 🩺 Step into the role of an innovative project doctor in our upcoming webinar! This session is your guide to evaluating the health of your projects through Waterfall and Agile practices like Scrum and Kanban. We’ll explore the vital signs of project success through the lens of the “iron triangle” metrics, using deliverables as tracers.

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Technical Debt for Non-Software Developers

Warning - this post is not about Scrum. It is about Technical Debt in my home!!! Please do not judge me!! . So what is Technical Debt - . Technical Debt: the typically unpredictable overhead of maintaining the product, often caused by less than ideal design decisions, contributing to the total cost of ownership. May exist unintentionally in the Increment or introduced purposefully to realize value earlier. - [link].

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Productive Conflict at Work: Simple Guidelines to Keep it Positive

Project Bliss

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Mastering Project Visualization


Are you a new or experienced user of Microsoft Project who has struggled with the views, reports, and/or printing options that come with the product? I’m excited to share my upcoming webinar series that will help you master (Microsoft) Project visualization. Join me as we jump into the three main areas of visualization that MS Project offers. The series consists of three webinars, starting on the 9 th of October 2019.

2013 81
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Using Technology: Easy Communication with Remote Co-workers or Employees

Stepping Into Project Management

The working world is forever changing, but it has probably changed more in the past twenty years than it has in most other periods of history. Thanks to the internet, people don’t have to physically be in a location to work (for some jobs at least); they can do it from wherever they happen to be. This is excellent if you’re an employer or a start up or hustling since you’re able to dip into the global talent pool, rather than simply being restricted to whoever is available nearby.

Closing 33
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Toward a Unified Project Management Understanding

The objective of this research is to dispel misunderstandings about crucial project management terms and their definitions. It aims to accurately place these terms and facilitate a comprehensive global understanding of their meanings.