Fri.Jul 10, 2020

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How to Use a Project Decision Log

Rebel’s Guide to PM

What is a decision log? A decision log template in project management is the document you use to fill in all the decisions made relating to your project. Decisions are taken in all kinds of settings: meetings, on email, when you bump into someone in the corridor… From experience I know that it’s a) hard to remember what decision you took, and b) difficult to find information hidden in meeting minutes to remind yourself of why that decision was taken.

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Can We Still be Agile?

Leading Answers

How does work from home impact our use of agile approaches? If co-location is no longer possible, can we still be agile? Yes, of course we can, and in many ways, now we need to be more agile than ever as we try new approaches, learn and adapt how we work. However, let's address the co-location question and look at agile practices in remote work situations.

Agile 145

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How to Do a Cost Benefits Analysis in Project Management


Cost-benefit analysis is a tool project managers use to compare various business initiatives and make a financially-sound plan of action. This decision-making process has 10 total steps plus a little bit of math. We’ll walk you through these and provide the answers to some frequently asked questions about how to do a cost-benefit analysis. Then, we’ll discuss the accuracy of your findings with tools such as Wrike Analyze. .

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7 Most Powerful Smartsheet Alternatives in 2020


Smartsheet is one of the most popular project management software. It is useful for small and mid-sized businesses. It has a spreadsheet-like interface that offers several tools such as reporting, card view, file sharing and Gantt chart. However, project managers are always looking for alternatives that are suitable for them in their way.

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Your Guide To Transitioning Into Product Management: Essentials For New PMs

Speaker: Leslie Grandy, Product Executive & Drew Weaver, Senior Program Manager

Are you considering a shift to product management or just starting your journey as a Product Manager? Join Leslie Grandy and Drew Weaver for an insightful webinar designed to help you seamlessly transition into this dynamic role. Whether you're looking to pivot your career or enhance your existing skills, this session will equip you with the knowledge and tools to succeed!

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Best Google Calendar Integrations for Your Team!


Many professions require attending various meetings every day. Writing all them down on a paper.


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Best Google Calendars for Your Team!


Many professions require attending various meetings every day. Writing all them down on a paper.

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How adaptable we are

Lynne Cazaly

Some of us like to do the same things the same way. It’s easy. It’s familiar. It’s safe. Others don’t mind a change. they think it’s as good as a holiday! A little bit of difference or newness keeps things interesting. But then happily slip back to the world of sameness for safety. Still others welcome difference, newness, change and evolution.

Agile 40
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Say Hello In Our New Forum

The Digital Project Manager

Join the discussion in our new DPM Forum We are excited to announce we’re launching. The post Say Hello In Our New Forum appeared first on The Digital Project Manager.

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From old ways to better ways of working

Lynne Cazaly

If there’s too much to do and you can’t get through it all, what do you do? A productivity app won’t magically change an entire team or organisation. There’s a bigger change needed, a fundamental shift in how we think about work. Many of the things we do in our daily work are old ways of working. They’re leftovers from when the world - and the work - was quite different.

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Don’t Get Left Behind: Leveraging Modern Product Management Across the Organization

Speaker: Kat Conner

The challenge of delivering the right product at the right time while aligning with strategic objectives is more pressing than ever. Product management is evolving and gaining greater recognition as the means to creating this connection. Join our upcoming webinar and learn how to streamline your product development processes, infuse product thinking across the organization, and bridge the gap between vision and delivery.

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Better Organize Your Day With This Time Management Technique


When was the last time you conquered that mountain-high list of tasks within an 8-hour workday? Can’t recall? That’s okay. It’s common to feel like you live in a place where time disappears into the abyss, leaving you downright frustrated.

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Give good face - show a sign

Lynne Cazaly

Our world of online meetings serves up screen after screen of faces. You might even wonder if someone’s screen is frozen. Have they even moved? But we’re focusing and listening intently, making sense of the information, thinking, analyzing, processing. And our faces show it. Thinking. Working. Connecting dots. Imagining. As comedians, speakers and theatrical performers know, audience members who ‘give good face’ are such a blessing.

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What you used to do vs what’s needed now

Lynne Cazaly

What did you used to do? Are you still doing it? Or has it changed? Do you do something different now? What might you be doing next? What does the world need you to do? How are you adapting and changing what you can do?

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A cause of our overwhelm

Lynne Cazaly

Productivity techniques abound for organizing our email and managing our day, but there’s a BIG contributor to overwhelm that we may overlook. We have too much ‘on the go’ at the one time: ‘too many planes in the air’; ‘juggling too many balls’ These sayings we use to explain overwhelm are so true ! Too much up in the air, unfinished, not landed or not done.

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The Project Clinic: Assessing Project Health, Planning, and Execution

Speaker: Ketan Jahagirdar

Picture your projects as patients, each with its own unique rhythm and pulse, thriving under your care 🥼 🩺 Step into the role of an innovative project doctor in our upcoming webinar! This session is your guide to evaluating the health of your projects through Waterfall and Agile practices like Scrum and Kanban. We’ll explore the vital signs of project success through the lens of the “iron triangle” metrics, using deliverables as tracers.

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Keep an ideas book

Lynne Cazaly

Better still, curate an ideas book. Or even ‘work’ your ideas book. When there are ideas and thoughts swirling about your head, what do you do with them? Try to wrestle with them? Try to ‘sort them out’ or get them into some semblance of order? If your ideas are up there, mixing with all that other stuff like the inner critic, the self doubter, the small player. it may not be the best space for our ideas to prosper or grow.

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Change your environment

Lynne Cazaly

You’re not broken. You don’t need fixing. You’re not hopeless. You’re awesome! When we struggle to do something we may get frustrated with or blame ourselves. or others. But neither of us may be at fault. Check your environment, your set up and location, the way you’ve arranged things or set them up. You can tweak and change things.

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Get going or slow down

Lynne Cazaly

Do you need something to give you a push along. to get you going? Or do you need something to slow you down? Being stuck ain’t fun. Frozen in possibility and uncertainty. There are plenty of reasons why it’s hard to get going with an idea or project. But equally, running or flying too fast for too long can become a problem too. There are subtle adjustments we can make and actions we can take to get going and get out of inertia.

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How you’re missing out on the gold

Lynne Cazaly

It’s another online meeting. the meeting leader or facilitator announces they’re about to put us into breakout rooms to chat. We get to connect with others, to have a smaller, more intimate conversation and to dive in to a topic or share ideas. But too often the insights from breakout rooms and group activities aren’t noted or are lost, and not reincorporated into the meeting.

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How To Manage Multiple Product Teams For Successful Development & Delivery

Speaker: Leslie Grandy, Product Executive & Drew Weaver, Senior Program Manager

Effective management of multiple product teams necessitates a skillful coordination and guidance with the objective of aligning efforts towards shared goals. This entails constant communication, efficient task management, and ensuring that each team aligns with the broader organizational objectives. We can think about this like conducting an orchestra, where diverse efforts are harmonized toward a unified outcome. 🎯 Proficiency in these skills empowers product managers to navigate comple

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Obsessed with a detail

Lynne Cazaly

Missile lock. Focused on a target, excluding everything else. Determined. Sticking with it. This is singleminded focus. And we need it in many situations. Yet our crazy changing world requires us to also lift ourselves up out of that detail and to see the wider view. It doesn’t mean we don’t see that task or project as important. It doesn’t mean we won’t return to working on it.

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How to be original

Lynne Cazaly

In a world of noise, how do you be unique? How do you bring your originality to market through your ideas, products and services? Some people think they don’t have anything unique to say. Others believe their ideas aren’t that special. And others are worried that what they are doing is too similar or close to what others are doing. Copying is unfortunately too common and not cool.

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Where ideas come from

Lynne Cazaly

Have you experienced cryptomnesia? It’s where we mistakenly believe a current idea is our own creation when in fact we’ve ‘encountered it previously and then forgotten it,’ (American Psychological Association) What the heck?! So some of our blindingly great ideas aren’t that original? Correct. We’ve gathered them from other places, forgotten about them, woken up one day and thought we’ve had a genius moment!