Tue.May 04, 2021

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Future Trends in Project Management: The Debate

Rebel’s Guide to PM

Recently I spoke with Lela Machaidze on Clubhouse about future trends in project management. Here are the notes from that discussion. Lela: For the last decade, there have been a lot of changes in the PM profession. The trend that is here to stay is remote work and digital teams. That’s echoed in the PMI Pulse of the Profession 2021 report. Maybe not in the same volume as we are seeing now, but it will definitely stay. .

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What Is a Critical Success Factor? A Quick Guide


In order to succeed, one must have a specific idea of what that success looks like. When this isn’t the case, it’s impossible to discern wins from losses and be certain your goals have been achieved. If asked to define success in terms of a specific project or business, many would struggle not to answer in broad terms. But to truly succeed (and learn from those successes) we must dive into the factors that constitute success.


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Don't Be A Comfortable Scrum Master!


At a recent Scrum.org Professional Scrum Master II class, I asked the group to write down some learnings from the class that may help other Scrum Masters. One statement that came up has stuck in my mind ever since: “Don’t be a comfortable Scrum Master.” – Unknown Scrum.org Professional Scrum Master II Attendee. The Scrum Master is a change agent. As such they will be dealing with and causing change on a daily basis.

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Project Dependencies Are Eating Us Alive: A Zombie Handbook

The Digital Project Manager

The post Project Dependencies Are Eating Us Alive: A Zombie Handbook appeared first on The Digital Project Manager.

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Don’t Get Left Behind: Leveraging Modern Product Management Across the Organization

Speaker: Kat Conner

The challenge of delivering the right product at the right time while aligning with strategic objectives is more pressing than ever. Product management is evolving and gaining greater recognition as the means to creating this connection. Join our upcoming webinar and learn how to streamline your product development processes, infuse product thinking across the organization, and bridge the gap between vision and delivery.

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How to Get Entry Level Scrum Master Jobs


. Lately, the scope of the Scrum Master has touched the heights, and every other person wants to land their hands on this. No doubt the Scrum Master role is in the spotlight and has also been named one of the top 10 most promising careers. Suppose you are one of those who want to make your career in Scrum Mastery or Agile Coaching. But don’t know what to do and how to do it?


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Amazing Outcomes on German Overshoot Day


May 5, 2021 is German Overshoot Day , the day where we in Germany have used up our share of ecological resources that our planet can renew this year. For the remainder of 2021, we are taking an ecological loan to live and do business on a deficit. In other words, we in Germany need almost three times the resources that our planet can renew. . Photo: Johannes Plenio on Unsplash .

2021 130
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Overview and Key Themes of IIL’s 2021 Agile & Scrum Online Conference

International Institute for Learning

IIL’s 6th annual Agile and Scrum Online Conference: Co-Create for Greater Value opens on June 3, 2021. In this article, we’ll preview key themes that will be discussed at this unique learning event. View full event and registration details here. Agile has become one of the hottest topics in the project management world, mainly due to its proven success in software projects and its ability to deliver quick and real value to customers.

2021 88
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Scrum values to fight climate change


German version. . May 5, 2021 is German Overshoot Day , the day where we in Germany have used up our share of ecological resources that our planet can renew this year. For the remainder of 2021, we are taking an ecological loan to live and do business on a deficit. In other words, we in Germany need almost three times the resources that our planet can renew. .

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The 7 Habits of ?Highly Effective ?Agile Transformation: Begin With The End In Mind

Leading Agile

In the first blog in this series , we explored Habit 1 – Be Proactive of Stephen R. Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. We concluded that a company’s choice to pursue an Agile Transformation is a proactive response to their circumstances that powerfully affects their effectiveness and ultimately their success. Continuing on with the exploration of how the 7 Habits apply to Agile Transformation, let’s take a look at Habit 2 – Begin With The End In Mind.

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The Project Clinic: Assessing Project Health, Planning, and Execution

Speaker: Ketan Jahagirdar

Picture your projects as patients, each with its own unique rhythm and pulse, thriving under your care 🥼 🩺 Step into the role of an innovative project doctor in our upcoming webinar! This session is your guide to evaluating the health of your projects through Waterfall and Agile practices like Scrum and Kanban. We’ll explore the vital signs of project success through the lens of the “iron triangle” metrics, using deliverables as tracers.

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Amazing Outcomes zum deutschen Erdüberlastungstag


Der 5. Mai 2021 ist der deutsche Erdüberlastungstag (German Overshoot Day), an dem wir in Deutschland unseren Anteil an ökologischen Ressourcen, die unser Planet in diesem Jahr erneuern kann, aufgebraucht haben. Für den Rest des Jahres nehmen wir beim Ökosystem Erde also einen Kredit auf, um zu leben und zu wirtschaften. Mit anderen Worten: Wir in Deutschland verbrauchen fast das Dreifache der Ressourcen, die unser Planet erneuern kann. .

2021 130
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Process Improvement Plan: Everything You Need to Know

ProProfs Project Management

“But we’ve done it this way for years.”. You’ve heard this often enough. Once businesses have implemented their systems, the idea of having a process improvement plan goes right out of the window. It is a powerful tool, no doubt, but grossly underused. Reasons for this under-utilization is multi-layered: Businesses do not have the time to review processes.

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Fighting climate change with agile values


German version. . May 5, 2021 is German Overshoot Day , the day where we in Germany have used up our share of ecological resources that our planet can renew this year. For the remainder of 2021, we are taking an ecological loan to live and do business on a deficit. In other words, we in Germany need almost three times the resources that our planet can renew. .

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Project242: Building a Solid Foundation

Bridge the Gap Consulting

Project242 (P242) is my journey to bike 242 miles in 24 hours, across the state of Minnesota on gravel roads, in August, 2021 (the Day Across MN, or the DAMN). I’ve found many lessons experienced riding a bike can be applied to our careers. In these posts, I will share the correlations. “How long do I need to hold this plank? Five minutes!! Oh hell, might as well get it over with.” With that, I placed my forearms onto the towel, hit GO on the stopwatch, and held it there.

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Toward a Unified Project Management Understanding

The objective of this research is to dispel misunderstandings about crucial project management terms and their definitions. It aims to accurately place these terms and facilitate a comprehensive global understanding of their meanings.

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Mit agilen Werten den Klimawandel bekämpfen


Read the English version. . Der 5. Mai 2021 ist der deutsche Erdüberlastungstag (German Overshoot Day), an dem wir in Deutschland unseren Anteil an ökologischen Ressourcen, die unser Planet in diesem Jahr erneuern kann, aufgebraucht haben. Für den Rest des Jahres nehmen wir beim Ökosystem Erde also einen Kredit auf, um zu leben und zu wirtschaften.

2021 118
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5 Reasons Why Saviom is an ideal partner for all your resource management needs

PM Times

In my next 5 Reasons Why installment, let’s take a look at Saviom software. Saviom Software is an Australia-based software company and a market leader offering robust and configurable resource management and workforce planning solutions. With over 20 years of experience, Saviom has established its global presence across 50+ countries and helped more than […].

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Mit den Scrum-Werten gegen den Klimawandel


Read the English version. . Der 5. Mai 2021 ist der deutsche Erdüberlastungstag (German Overshoot Day), an dem wir in Deutschland unseren Anteil an ökologischen Ressourcen, die unser Planet in diesem Jahr erneuern kann, aufgebraucht haben. Für den Rest des Jahres nehmen wir beim Ökosystem Erde also einen Kredit auf, um zu leben und zu wirtschaften.

2021 113
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Sitetracker launches extension to popular certification course for asset and field workflow mastery.


Originally posted on businesswire. Sitetracker Asset and Field Workflow Mastery delivers the same collaborative, high-ROI training, and enablement for administrators, power users, and business drivers but for those leveraging Sitetracker for the Field. Participants will benefit from engaging virtually with the EDU team and the flexibility of self-paced, online learning.

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Navigating the Future: Generative AI, Application Analytics, and Data

Generative AI is upending the way product developers & end-users alike are interacting with data. Despite the potential of AI, many are left with questions about the future of product development: How will AI impact my business and contribute to its success? What can product managers and developers expect in the future with the widespread adoption of AI?

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5 Leadership Practices a Remote Project Manager Needs to Master

GanttPRO Project Management

The world will never be the same for project managers. For example, the IT company I work in decided we’ll stay remote even after the pandemics. So, here’s something we […]. The post 5 Leadership Practices a Remote Project Manager Needs to Master first appeared on GanttPRO.

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How 'Kudos' Can Transform Team Meetings, Culture, Morale, and Relationships


You’ve spent months working on a project. You’ve dedicated countless hours on collecting data and organizing it into a swoon-worthy presentation complete with easy-to-digest handouts. You nail your presentation during a team meeting and in return, they give you a few sleepy claps and mutter ‘thank you’ as they rush off.

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Unlock the potential of Sitetracker with our latest release


TL;DR? Join us for a webinar overview of Release 44 instead! Sign up here. Over the past six weeks, Sitetracker’s Product and Engineering teams worked around the clock to deliver new enhancements to our platform that deliver value to our customers. With major improvements to Sitetracker’s Job Planner, Timetracker, Maps, and more core functionality, we are excited to announce the following enhancements that unlock the end-to-end potential of Sitetracker for our customers.

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5 Leadership Practices a Remote Project Manager Needs to Master

GanttPRO Project Management

The world will never be the same for project managers. For example, the IT company I work in decided we’ll stay remote even after the pandemics. So, here’s something we […]. The post 5 Leadership Practices a Remote Project Manager Needs to Master first appeared on GanttPRO.

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Understand Digital Debt, Form a Team, Set Goals, and Plan Roadmap for Transformation

Understanding digital debt is crucial before digital transformation. Assemble a team to assess internal operations, market pressures, and digital debt's impact. Define future digital vision with measurable goals. Refine hypotheses and conduct market analysis. Develop a roadmap for transformation with defined projects, cost estimates, and governance.

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Five Creative Hiring Tests You Need to Know About


Are you looking for a way to improve your hiring process? Do you want to draw in workers that become a perfect match for your company? Hiring tests are becoming increasingly popular for their innovative approach to employee selection, and they can serve a real benefit to your business. From personality tests to skill tests, let’s take a look at the top five hiring tests you need to know about!

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5 Reasons Why Saviom is an ideal partner for all your resource management needs

PM Times

Written by: Brad Egeland In my next 5 Reasons Why installment, let's take a look at Saviom software.