Tue.Jul 16, 2019

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Busyness is Hype: You Aren’t as Busy as You Think


It’s become normal in our society to complain to friends, family and strangers that we are so busy with work, school, friends, family or a combination of everything. Tim Peek called “busyness” the “socially acceptable addiction” in his article on the cult of busyness for the Huffington Post. To many, being busy signifies that you are important and valuable.

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The Problem with Scrum Experts


Recently, I stumbled upon the paper “ Nothing is Written — Learning is an Adventure ” by Johnnie Moore & Viv McWaters. I loved every part of it and felt myself nodding in agreement continuously. When it comes to training & teaching, I fully agree with statements like…. “Rather than giving people reassuring — right answers — we may do better to model experimentation, curiosity, and openness.”. and….


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7 Benefits of Working as a Team for Successful Project Management


October 3, 1951 – When it comes to the prime example of why teamwork is important, I’d like to recall the remarkable “Shot Heard Around the World” incident. It was a historic moment when the benefits of working as a team shone through — That’s when the Brooklyn Dodgers won the Phillies. Russ Hodges giving arguably the best live description of the exact moment – “I don’t believe it!

2019 143
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Building Agile Partnerships - Lean Agile Procurement


TL;DR. Traditional procurement can be slow and challenging – with the procurement cycle often delaying work starting. With traditional contracts the scope of work can become fixed and may prevent the Product Owner using the Product Backlog to focus on value and respond to feedback. Lean Agile Procurement is designed to reduce delay in establishing the partnerships, and providing clear constraints on the business relationship.

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Don’t Get Left Behind: Leveraging Modern Product Management Across the Organization

Speaker: Kat Conner

The challenge of delivering the right product at the right time while aligning with strategic objectives is more pressing than ever. Product management is evolving and gaining greater recognition as the means to creating this connection. Join our upcoming webinar and learn how to streamline your product development processes, infuse product thinking across the organization, and bridge the gap between vision and delivery.

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If Risk Is Your Business, Do It Better Than Captain Kirk


As a great philosopher and chewer of scenery, Star Trek ’s James T. Kirk once said, “ Risk is our business ”—nothing great can be accomplished if you’re not willing to take some risks. I like to say, “If failure isn’t an option, then innovation isn’t an opportunity.” However, risk must be managed carefully. In “ Return to Tomorrow ,” The Original Series episode that this line comes from, the risk is poorly managed, and the impact is nearly catastrophic for all of humanity.

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Project Sign-Off Sheets: Where, When and How to Use Them (Free Template)


A project sign-off sheet is essential to formally close a project or acknowledge delivery of a key deliverable. Learn how to use them in your projects in this guide. Free Bonus: Click here to get a FREE sign-off sheet template in your projects. Use it right away or modify it as you see fit. After countless hours, dozens of resources, and hundreds of requests, you’ve finally wrapped up the project.

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What is Project Management Software and Why Do You Need One

ProProfs Project Management

Managing a project isn’t easy. . There are so many challenges that project managers and team members face on a daily basis, ranging from defining clear project goals and objectives to generating detailed reports every month to check team performance. Further, you could be facing other challenges such as meeting your project deadlines, handling your limited budget, and most importantly manage untimed risks. .

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10 Best Collaboration Tools in 2019


Collaboration is defined as the process of working with someone to produce something. In today’s world, collaboration is not limited to instances where you actually need to present in a person with the individual you are collaborating with.

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Unlock All Your Team “Kan” Do With a Kanban Template


The transformation of a Kanban board into Kanban template. In 2001, software developers changed project management forever by introducing Agile to the world with the Manifesto for Software Development. Following recognition by Harvard Business Review and McKinsey & Company, Agile is now spreading to all types of organizations and industries. Agile is an umbrella of methodologies that boost productivity by empowering teams to operate with more flexibility than traditional hierarchical styles

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The Project Clinic: Assessing Project Health, Planning, and Execution

Speaker: Ketan Jahagirdar

Picture your projects as patients, each with its own unique rhythm and pulse, thriving under your care 🥼 🩺 Step into the role of an innovative project doctor in our upcoming webinar! This session is your guide to evaluating the health of your projects through Waterfall and Agile practices like Scrum and Kanban. We’ll explore the vital signs of project success through the lens of the “iron triangle” metrics, using deliverables as tracers.

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10 Best Collaboration Tools


Collaboration is defined as the process of working with someone to produce something. In today’s world, collaboration is not limited to instances where you actually need to present in a person with the individual you are collaborating with.

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A high expectation of others.

Lynne Cazaly

I’ve been posting on 'ish', the practice of good enough and the challenges when don't know the standard we're going for. But what about others? Unhappy about the work someone has done for you or a service delivered to you? Perhaps it didn’t have the right information, didn’t look right or wasn’t the way you expected. The increasing problem the world has with perfectionism isn’t just about the standards we have for ourselves.

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PMO of the world award 2019

Henny Portman

The PMO Global Awards is the PMO Global Alliance’s annual award for the most outstanding Project Management Offices in the world. This non-profit initiative intends to inspire organizations around the world to evolve their Project Management Offices and project management practices to achieve the best results. It encourages organizations from all over the world to share knowledge and experiences, acknowledging best results, and allowing the evolution of the PMO worldwide community.

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What society expects of you

Lynne Cazaly

In recent posts I’ve mentioned the expectations we can have: - of ourselves. - of others. There’s a third. It’s what we perceive society expects of us. - Society. you know, other people. Them. Those people over there. We can worry a lot about what people think of us. What will they say? How will they perceive us? These worries can become huge filters, censors and constraints to our thoughts and behaviour.

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Toward a Unified Project Management Understanding

The objective of this research is to dispel misunderstandings about crucial project management terms and their definitions. It aims to accurately place these terms and facilitate a comprehensive global understanding of their meanings.

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Tips for staying on track with time and budget in the summer


The weather is lovely, the sun is shining, birds are singing outside and you… You’re.

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Oh the waste of unnecessary work

Lynne Cazaly

Oh, the waste of unnecessary work! We can be head down, diligently working away on a project or task and yet not know when it’s time to be done with it, to test it or share it or press 'go', launch or go live. That's because it takes hindsight for us to make sense of things. It could be that some of what we have done may have been a waste. Some of our time and effort may have been wasted.

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Everything doesn't have to be amazing!

Lynne Cazaly

Everything doesn’t have to be a-m-a-z-i-n-g. Writing a blog, preparing a report, delivering a presentation? Tidying the cupboard, cleaning your desk, working out what to wear today? Watch out folks! We pile an incredible pressure on ourselves in today’s crazy world, trying to make the quality of what we do amazing. But do you know what? Everything doesn’t have to be amazing.

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Worrying if you're doing it 'right'

Lynne Cazaly

Worrying if you're doing it 'right'. When we write something, share, do, show, try something new, we can be worried about whether we’re doing it. ‘right’ What is ‘right’ anyway? Is it about meeting a standard or expectation. our standard or expectation? Or is it about meeting the standards and expectations of others? It’s surely a conditioning from our upbringing or our school years where the reward and validation was for correct and right.

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Navigating the Future: Generative AI, Application Analytics, and Data

Generative AI is upending the way product developers & end-users alike are interacting with data. Despite the potential of AI, many are left with questions about the future of product development: How will AI impact my business and contribute to its success? What can product managers and developers expect in the future with the widespread adoption of AI?

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Expecting too much of ourselves

Lynne Cazaly

I was chatting with a colleague today and she said she hadn’t completed a task to ‘her standards’ I enquired what the standards were. They existed in her mind but not on paper and not in writing. She'd said: ‘It has to be neat, look professional, be better than anything I’ve ever done for them before, be the best I can do, be me at my best.’ Do you see how difficult it will be to reach each of these unmeasurable, undefinable targets?

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Go for excellence not perfection

Lynne Cazaly

Excellence says 'good'. It's the act and output of excelling with good qualities in high degree. Yet some parts may not be excellent and these we hope will be the parts that don't really matter or those that can be improved over time. My mother, Shirley, put a little sign in our family home years ago that read: ‘I may not be perfect, but parts of me are excellent.’ This is what it's about!