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Project Management Conferences in Europe 2023/2024

Rebel’s Guide to PM

July to September 2023 Bridge 2023: PM & PMO Conference: Vilnius, Lithuania and Online, 21 September 2023 The annual event has a theme of Projectized-Digitized-Connected and will be dedicated to a sustainable way of working this year. It will be held in Spain this year, with a full agenda to come.

2024 270
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Project Management Conferences in Europe 2023/2024

Rebel’s Guide to PM

July to September 2023 Bridge 2023: PM & PMO Conference: Vilnius, Lithuania and Online, 21 September 2023 The annual event has a theme of Projectized-Digitized-Connected and will be dedicated to a sustainable way of working this year. Do you know of an upcoming event to add to the list? Please fill out this form.

2024 243

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Seven Priorities for Project Managers in 2023

Anyone who tells you, with 100 percent certainty, what 2023 will look like at the start of the year is bonkers. If you want to know what your priorities should be for 2023, look at the way your world was at the end of 2022 and at the start of this year. I fully expect it to be a priority in 2023. Courageous Leadership.

2023 297
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Join the Anonymous Scrum Master (and Agile Coach) Salary Report 2023

TL;DR: Scrum Master Salary Report 2023 — An Anonymous Poll by the Community for the Community. The purpose of this anonymous Scrum Master salary report 2023 is to create a clear, data-backed benchmark that allows everyone in the agile community to understand whether their compensation is adequate.

2023 207
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¿Cómo los Scrum Master pueden permanecer relevantes en 2023?

Existe una tendencia de empresas que renuncian a sus Scrum Masters o Agile Coaches. ¿ Por qué pasa esto en 2023? Qué puede hacer un Scrum Master para permanecer relevante muchos años más ? y en nuestra web. ¿Están en crisis los roles de Scrum Master o Agile Coach? Mira este artículo en video ?

2023 168
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Die Anonyme Scrum Master Gehaltsumfrage 2023 — Jetzt mitmachen! ??

In Kürze: Die Scrum Master Gehaltsumfrage 2023 — Eine anonyme Umfrage von der Community für die Community. Der Zweck dieser anonymen Scrum Master Gehaltsumfrage 2023 ist es, einen klaren, datengestützten Benchmark zu erstellen, der es allen Mitgliedern der agilen Gemeinschaft ermöglicht, zu verstehen, ob ihre Vergütung angemessen ist.

2023 164
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Scrum Master Gehalt 2024 — die Umfrageergebnisse ??

In Kürze: Der Scrum Master Gehaltsreport 2024 — Wie schneiden Sie im Vergleich ab? Die Studie „Scrum Master Gehalt 2024“ ist die fünfte Ausgabe der Branchenumfrage nach 2017, 2019, 2022 und 2023. Im vollständigen Scrum-Master-Gehaltsbericht finden Sie ausführlichere Informationen.

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