Sat.Oct 06, 2018 - Fri.Oct 12, 2018

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How to Manage People Without Them Even Knowing It

The Digital Project Manager

We’ve all been there—you’re trying your best to avoid micromanaging your team, but the way. The post How to Manage People Without Them Even Knowing It appeared first on The Digital Project Manager.

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How to Prioritize Work When Everything Is #1


All projects—especially large, complex projects—need clear priorities. Easier said than done. You can count on technical projects, no matter how well-planned, to involve change orders, re-prioritization and the regular appearance of surprises. It’s just the natural order of things. But still. Knowing how to prioritize work affects the success of your project, the engagement of your team, and your role as a leader.


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Paid Time Off Study – 2018 Statistics & Whitepaper

Paid time off (PTO) policies are central to achieving work-life balance. PTO should be a refuge for people to unplug and re-center, so they can return to work feeling refreshed and productive. In today’s society, paid time off is seemingly more valuable than ever, as the line between a person’s professional life and their personal life continues to blur due to rapidly advancing technology and an expectation to be “always on.” .

2018 349
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How To Manage Fixed Date Projects

Project Risk Coach

Fixed date projects occur often these days. The project sponsor picks a date and hands you the project. So, what's a project manager to do? How can we manage fixed date projects? First of all, don’t freak out. Some things are unrealistic, but others are not. Be positive and ask for some time to do some analysis. Let your sponsor know that you will come back in a week or two with the results.

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Your Guide To Transitioning Into Product Management: Essentials For New PMs

Speaker: Leslie Grandy, Product Executive & Drew Weaver, Senior Program Manager

Are you considering a shift to product management or just starting your journey as a Product Manager? Join Leslie Grandy and Drew Weaver for an insightful webinar designed to help you seamlessly transition into this dynamic role. Whether you're looking to pivot your career or enhance your existing skills, this session will equip you with the knowledge and tools to succeed!

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How to Use a Critical to Quality CTQ Tree to Satisfy Customer Needs

Project Bliss

The CTQ Tree is a simple tool to tell you exactly what your customer wants. Have you ever asked a client or customer what they want, and when you deliver it, they tell you it still doesn’t meet their need? Or pulled together a focus group to help improve a product, but got vague responses on how to make it better? You thought you knew what the customers wanted, but they had something completely different in mind.

Defining 225

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How to Negotiate in the Workplace: A Practical Guide

Everyone negotiates. When there is more than one person involved, actions are almost always preceded by negotiations, whether that’s with friends, family or coworkers. The question isn’t whether you negotiate, but how well do you negotiate? Negotiation is critical for any group project, be it a picnic or an email campaign, but in the workplace your ability to negotiate is equal to your success and happiness on the job.

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The Best Workflow Management Software To Boost Your Team’s Efficiency

The Digital Project Manager

The post The Best Workflow Management Software To Boost Your Team’s Efficiency appeared first on The Digital Project Manager.

Software 229
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Flow Optimization at the Sprint Boundary

"…and the little one said: ‘Roll over! Roll over!’" - traditional children's song. Monte Carlo or bust. A couple of weeks ago we looked at Monte Carlo analysis. We saw how this technique can be used to forecast Sprint capacity, and to anticipate the likely completion schedule for a given backlog of work. Perhaps our most important "take-away" was that providing a range of estimates is not necessarily a matter of being vague.

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Feature Prioritization: 7 Ways to Prioritize Features and Product Improvements


Few companies fail because of a lack of good ideas. But choosing the wrong idea? That can sink your ship faster than an iceberg on a dark night. In fact, according to CB Insights, the #1 reason startups fail is because they built the wrong thing and there’s no market need for it. But it’s not like you can sit back and not choose a feature or product to build.

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Don’t Get Left Behind: Leveraging Modern Product Management Across the Organization

Speaker: Kat Conner

The challenge of delivering the right product at the right time while aligning with strategic objectives is more pressing than ever. Product management is evolving and gaining greater recognition as the means to creating this connection. Join our upcoming webinar and learn how to streamline your product development processes, infuse product thinking across the organization, and bridge the gap between vision and delivery.

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Constructive Criticism: A Powerful Tool for Managers

Criticism is everywhere. Who hasn’t heard something like, “That’s not how you make a hamburger,” or, “You lost the game for us with that lousy pitching!” But that’s not constructive criticism. Those are just negative responses that lead to dead ends, and that kind of disruption isn’t going to get you very far in business. The object of any successful enterprise is to make things better.

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5 of the Best Free Monday Alternatives (formerly DaPulse)

nTask, formerly known as DaPulse, has been around the project management block for quite some time. Bagging some major clients including Fiverr, Discovery, McDonald’s and more, Monday has surely made its mark as a great productivity and project management tool , with over 10 years of history. Monday is a project management tool with a multitude of features for team management and project delivery.

Estimate 124
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PSM II: Facilitating an Advanced Scrum Master Experience

Last week I co-taught's new Professional Scrum Master II course with fellow Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) Todd Miller. This 2-day advanced Scrum Master class is designed to be the next step that a Scrum Master takes on their journey towards Professional Scrum. We had a wonderful mix of students with varying levels of experience and past certifications.

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Working for the Weekend: Increasing Productivity, Efficiency, and Profitability with a Four-Day Workweek


The dream of an extra day off each week is more plausible than you think. More companies are investigating the idea of a four-day workweek after a New Zealand trusts firm found its employees were happier, more efficient, and more productive after its two-month trial of a 20-percent shorter week. Andrew Barnes, CEO of Perpetual Guardian, implemented the trial after discovering research that showed the average British employee is productive only 2.5 hours per day while other studies showed this nu

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The Project Clinic: Assessing Project Health, Planning, and Execution

Speaker: Ketan Jahagirdar

Picture your projects as patients, each with its own unique rhythm and pulse, thriving under your care 🥼 🩺 Step into the role of an innovative project doctor in our upcoming webinar! This session is your guide to evaluating the health of your projects through Waterfall and Agile practices like Scrum and Kanban. We’ll explore the vital signs of project success through the lens of the “iron triangle” metrics, using deliverables as tracers.

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Leadership vs. Management, What’s the Difference?

Is leadership good and management bad? Of course not, both are important. Jennifer Bridges, PMP, explains their roles in project management in this short tutorial video. Here’s a screenshot of the whiteboard for your reference! In Review – Leadership vs. Management, What’s the Difference? Today’s video topic is surprisingly controversial, Jennifer noted.

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Free project management software for small teams


Getting free stuff always feels good. Getting free project management software feels even better. This offers feels even better if you are a small team with limited funds. If you are a small team of three or fewer people, you qualify automatically. Free Project Management Software offer: We want to help our community of small businesses and startups.

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Attributes of Professional Product Owner

In Scrum, Product Owner is responsible for maximizing the value of product being developed by Development Team. This implies that a product’s success relies heavily on the Product Owner role. I have consolidated the attributes from Mike Cohn’s book “Succeeding with Agile” with few more must-have attributes for this role: Visionary - Product Owner must have a solid vision on what (s)he would like to deliver to the customers.

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8 Aspects That Will Make You the Best Entry-level Project Manager

PM Basics

You look at the requirements of an entry-level Project Manager , and it is frustrating! They want a Junior PM to have one or two years of experience. Additionally, the one should also know what a mid-level PM does. Is it that difficult to become a Project Manager? Here is the real story: Recruiters and interviewing PMs have a hard time expressing the skillset.

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Leading the Development of Profitable and Sustainable Products

Speaker: Jason Tanner

While growth of software-enabled solutions generates momentum, growth alone is not enough to ensure sustainability. The probability of success dramatically improves with early planning for profitability. A sustainable business model contains a system of interrelated choices made not once but over time. Join this webinar for an iterative approach to ensuring solution, economic and relationship sustainability.

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The Urge to Strangle(The Strangler Pattern)

Leading Agile

Business agility means having the capability to “turn on a dime” at low cost and with low risk, to drive innovation, respond to market changes, and overcome the competition. In any enterprise that depends heavily on information systems, business agility is not possible without technical agility. Companies that adopted information technology in the mid-20th century have built up large-scale operations around principles, methods, and tooling from an era when thorough up-front planning

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New in Slack Project Management: nTask for Slack is here!


The pyramids are one of the wonders of the world – magnificent and complicated. Archeologists still argue how the Egyptians managed to build such a masterpiece. How about the Great Wall of China? The Emperor had employed millions of people in its construction: soldiers, common people, and criminals. The emperor sure did know how to make the most of his resources.

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Master, UP your Scrum!

Scrum Master. One of the mandatory Scrum roles. Ever important to dictate the Development Team what to do. Keep track of metrics. Gather people to the daily Scrum. Hold performance reviews. Make sure the team improves and that if more Development Team members are needed, you fix that impediment! Right? If you're a Scrum Master reading this right now and think not much of it, it's time to UP your Scrum!

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Ganttic Update | Improved Overview of Resource Allocation


Ganttic is a resource management software that’s all about making sure you have all the tools to create the best possible overview of all of your resources’ workload and whereabouts. Be that allocating your team, freelancers, specialists, equipment, machinery or rooms. The resource management technique to use with those tools is matrix planning. Matrix planning takes the best of both resource and project management.

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How To Manage Multiple Product Teams For Successful Development & Delivery

Speaker: Leslie Grandy, Product Executive & Drew Weaver, Senior Program Manager

Effective management of multiple product teams necessitates a skillful coordination and guidance with the objective of aligning efforts towards shared goals. This entails constant communication, efficient task management, and ensuring that each team aligns with the broader organizational objectives. We can think about this like conducting an orchestra, where diverse efforts are harmonized toward a unified outcome. 🎯 Proficiency in these skills empowers product managers to navigate comple

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Too Many Meetings, No Result? Here’s The Solution!


“A meeting is an event where minutes are taken and hours wasted.” – James T. Kirk, Captain of the USS enterprise. Let’s take a tour in the maze of cubicles and conference rooms in big companies, one thing that they all have in common is that almost everyone in the office is busy attending back-to-back meetings and conference calls. So, what’s the point?

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9 Features That Make a Great Task Management Tool


With the soaring number of task management applications , finding the ideal tool can be time-consuming and confusing. The criteria for each tool depends on the organization, their needs, and requirements, as well as work processes. A range of features, ease of use, reliability, security, and expense can greatly affect your choice in management tools.

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Contracting for Agile Software Development Efforts

The Agile Manifesto statement of “Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation” is less than helpful when it comes to writing contracts for projects to be worked in an Agile fashion. Contracting for Agile software development projects continues to be a major organizational impediment. Your legal department is trained to protect the firm from all the bad things that can happen when the unexpected occurs.

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An Executive Perspective on the Benefits of Work and Resource Management


“WRM is an approach that enables management to better understand how an organization operates and establishes a collaborative environment within which work is assigned and prioritized.”. -Mark Smith, CEO and Chief Research Officer, Ventana Research. In the previous three parts of this series, we have discussed some challenges and obstacles to work and resource management (WRM) faced by executives, how technology is key to a successful execution of WRM, and how aligning WRM to other digital trans

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Toward a Unified Project Management Understanding

The objective of this research is to dispel misunderstandings about crucial project management terms and their definitions. It aims to accurately place these terms and facilitate a comprehensive global understanding of their meanings.