Thu.Jan 05, 2023

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7 Software Perfect for Classical Project Management


As a project manager, you know that software is essential for managing your projects effectively. From scheduling and tracking to communication and collaboration, there are a variety of software options available for you to choose from. In this article, we’ll take a look at seven of the most popular software options for classical project management. […].

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When stakeholders bypass the Product Owner

Maybe I’m naive, but I believe that most people mean well. If someone asks for help, most of us are inclined to lend a hand if we can. And that’s great. In theory. But what happens when a Scrum Team becomes overwhelmed with requests that stakeholders make directly to the Developers instead of the Product Owner? . The Product Owner and the Product Backlog. .


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A New Era of Learning in a Post-Pandemic World


The global pandemic has brought unprecedented changes to the way we work and engage in learning opportunities. As restrictions are lifted and many countries move into a post-pandemic era, it is essential that businesses and schools are able to adapt and thrive amidst these changes. This article will explore how tools such as online digital learning platforms can help people stay connected, learn new things, collaborate effectively, gain new qualifications or certifications, learn business skills

Lean 88
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Agile Principles – Sustainable Pace

This post continues my ongoing series revisiting the principles behind the Agile Manifesto. This time we are focussing on the following Agile principle – “Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.”. Agile approaches like Scrum have long promoted the importance of working at a sustainable pace.

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Don’t Get Left Behind: Leveraging Modern Product Management Across the Organization

Speaker: Kat Conner

The challenge of delivering the right product at the right time while aligning with strategic objectives is more pressing than ever. Product management is evolving and gaining greater recognition as the means to creating this connection. Join our upcoming webinar and learn how to streamline your product development processes, infuse product thinking across the organization, and bridge the gap between vision and delivery.

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How using a team feedback tracker can streamline project management?


In this blog, you will learn what is a feedback tracker, and how you can use it for your team in managing projects. What is a team feedback tracker? A team feedback tracker is a tool that helps managers collect and track feedback from their team members. It can be used to identify areas of […].

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The RACI Matrix: What it is and Why it’s Important


The RACI Matrix is one of the most commonly used tools in business, and for good reason. It can help you to optimize your team’s roles and responsibilities, which will lead to improved efficiency and accountability. In this article, we’ll take a look at what the RACI Matrix is, and explain why it’s so important. […].

Agile 78
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Taylorism: Then & Now


Frederick Winslow Taylor shaped the field of management science. He believed systematic and scientific methods could be applied to managing operations and production. His work inspired the formation of the Harvard Business School and the modern assembly line. The Academy of Management named his Principles of Scientific Management as one of the 20 th century’s most influential books.

Lean 52
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What is a Project Baseline: a Beginners Guide to Project Management


If you’re new to project management, you might be asking yourself what a project baseline is and why it’s important. A project baseline is a document that gives you an overview of the project – from what has been done to where things are at right now. It can provide you with a clearer picture […].

Agile 88
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The Right Fit: Resource Allocation in a Creative Agency

Function Point

The Right Fit: Resource Allocation in an Agency Back in early 2000 when I was running our creative agency with just my partner and I, we pretty much knew what we were working on at any given time, or thought we did. We ran a small busy agency in Vancouver, Canada, and our clients were not shy at letting us know what they thought our priorities should be — them!

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The Project Clinic: Assessing Project Health, Planning, and Execution

Speaker: Ketan Jahagirdar

Picture your projects as patients, each with its own unique rhythm and pulse, thriving under your care 🥼 🩺 Step into the role of an innovative project doctor in our upcoming webinar! This session is your guide to evaluating the health of your projects through Waterfall and Agile practices like Scrum and Kanban. We’ll explore the vital signs of project success through the lens of the “iron triangle” metrics, using deliverables as tracers.

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A Beginners Guide on How to Write Measurable Goals with Examples


In today’s business world, it’s essential that goals are measurable and attainable. Without clear objectives, it’s hard to know where you’re headed, or if you’re even on the right track. Have you ever found it difficult to set goals? Maybe you find it hard to know what’s important enough to work for or how you […].

Agile 88
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How to Hire a Great Traffic Manager

Function Point

When you think about agency recruitment strategies, you’ll immediately visualize sifting through piles (well, digital piles) of portfolios looking for creative geniuses. But what goes into hiring agency talent within the project and account management departments? When running through what to look for when you’re sourcing your agency’s management talent.

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How to decide on a Project And Team Management Platform for your business?


If you’re looking to manage projects and teams more effectively, you’ll need a project and team management platform. But which one is the right fit for your business? This article provides a comprehensive overview of the different types of platforms and discusses the key features to look for. We also provide a buyer’s guide, so […].

Agile 88
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How to Create a Project Timeline in 6 Steps: A Quick Guide

Epicflow Blog

The success of any project largely depends on the efficiency of its initial planning and tracking its progress. In project management, there’s a variety of tools that make it possible to plan project work and assess the workflow from different perspectives. A project timeline is one of them. What is it exactly, and how to create one? Let’s figure it out in the article.

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Toward a Unified Project Management Understanding

The objective of this research is to dispel misunderstandings about crucial project management terms and their definitions. It aims to accurately place these terms and facilitate a comprehensive global understanding of their meanings.

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Basic Communication Strategies all Managers should know in 2023


2023 is already shaping up to be a big year for business managers. With new technologies and shifting customer trends constantly making waves, it’s important for managers to have a strong foundation in communication skills. As the future of work becomes increasingly uncertain and the lines between professional and personal life continue to blur, it’s […].

2023 78
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What is Pair Programming? Pros | Cons | Challenges


Pair programming is an Agile software development approach derived from Extreme programming (XP) in which software developers collaborate on a single computer. The two individuals collaborate to create, code, and test user stories. In an ideal world, the two persons would be equally proficient and spend equal amounts of time on the keyboard. The two software developers are called:-.

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How to Create an Optimal Project Schedule with nTask


Ever have a project that you just can’t seem to get started because you don’t know where to start? Or, do you feel like you always end up working extra hours because you never have enough time to finish everything? If so, you’re not alone – project scheduling can be a pain. As a project […].

Agile 78
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Overview of my year 2022 book reviews

Henny Portman

2022 was again an extremely fruitful book review year. As one of the 6 judges for the managementboek of the year contest I read 90+ books. We agreed to be very careful when writing about these books, so with some exceptions you will not find those reviews on this blog. You can stil find around 30 book reviews including 10 corresponding quick reference cards and several personal insights, and views on specific topics in the field of project, program and portfolio management, as well as many artic

2022 52
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Navigating the Future: Generative AI, Application Analytics, and Data

Generative AI is upending the way product developers & end-users alike are interacting with data. Despite the potential of AI, many are left with questions about the future of product development: How will AI impact my business and contribute to its success? What can product managers and developers expect in the future with the widespread adoption of AI?

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The Benefits of Using nTask for Project Production Management


There’s no doubt that project production management (PM) is an important part of any project’s success – but doing it correctly can be a challenge. That’s why we’ve put together this blog post, detailing the key features of nTask, and how it can help you streamline your project management process. From ensuring timely project completion […].

Process 78
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Top 7 SpiraTest Alternatives of 2023


Why are you looking for SpiraTest alternatives? Isn’t SpiraTest a good enough tool for your team’s requirements? SpiraTest provides a complete Quality Assurance solution that manages requirements, tests, bugs, and issues in one environment, with full traceability from inception to completion. That said, you should not limit yourself to a particular tool if better replacements are available.

2023 52
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7 Tips for Recording Meeting Minutes Effectively


If you’re looking to improve your meetings, there are a few things you need to remember. In this article, we provide 7 tips for recording meeting minutes effectively. By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to capture all the important information from your meetings and ensure that they are effective and productive. So read on […].

Agile 78
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The importance of Transparency during the Sprint Review (03)

Scrum is founded on empirical process control, and transparen cy is one of the three pillars. During each of the Scrum Events, and throughout the Sprint itself, the Scrum Team and the stakeholders need transparency so there is a common understanding. Transparency as such is way more than bringing “visibility”. It is about reaching ”a common understanding”.

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Understand Digital Debt, Form a Team, Set Goals, and Plan Roadmap for Transformation

Understanding digital debt is crucial before digital transformation. Assemble a team to assess internal operations, market pressures, and digital debt's impact. Define future digital vision with measurable goals. Refine hypotheses and conduct market analysis. Develop a roadmap for transformation with defined projects, cost estimates, and governance.

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Effective Communication: 7C’s, Meaning and Definition


Effective communication is essential for any relationship – whether it’s with family, friends, or co workers. And while there are many tips and techniques for communication, it can be tough to know what to do when things go wrong. In this post, we’ll discuss seven key concepts that will help you improve your communication skills. […].

Agile 78
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FREE Excel Timesheet Templates


Need an excel timesheet template to track regular and overtime hours, lunch breaks, and employee hours worked? From daily to monthly timesheet templates, we’ve created an excel employee timesheet template for every pay period — and you can download and start using them today (for free). Daily excel timesheet template for Excel. The simple daily timesheet template is ideal for tracking how employees, freelancers, and contractors spend their time daily.

Process 52
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What is a Project Baseline: a Beginners Guide to Project Management


If you’re new to project management, you might be asking yourself what a project baseline is and why it’s important. A project baseline is a document that gives you an overview of the project – from what has been done to where things are at right now. It can provide you with a clearer picture […].

Agile 78
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The Basic Business Etiquettes of Project Collaborations


Project collaborations can be a great way to get your project done more efficiently and on time, but there are some basic business etiquette guidelines that everyone should follow. What are the basic etiquette rules to follow when working on a project with someone else? By following the basic guideline, you’ll avoid any potential conflicts […].

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How Embedded Analytics Gets You to Market Faster with a SAAS Offering

Start-ups & SMBs launching products quickly must bundle dashboards, reports, & self-service analytics into apps. Customers expect rapid value from your product (time-to-value), data security, and access to advanced capabilities. Traditional Business Intelligence (BI) tools can provide valuable data analysis capabilities, but they have a barrier to entry that can stop small and midsize businesses from capitalizing on them.