Sat.Sep 14, 2019 - Fri.Sep 20, 2019

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7 Tips for Preventing Cost Overrun on Projects

When managing a project there is always the triple constraint hanging over the project manager’s head like the Sword of Damocles. There’s more than just scope, schedule and cost that can go afoul in a project, but if they do, it’s a major concern. While all those constraints are important, let’s just focus on one for now: cost. Avoiding budget overrun is key to closing a successful project.

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5 Management Styles Every PM Should Know

The Digital Project Manager

The post 5 Management Styles Every PM Should Know appeared first on The Digital Project Manager.


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What are some of the underlying causes of ineffective project risk management?

Kiron Bondale

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Multi-Project Management: All You Should Know About

Epicflow Blog

As you multiply the success of your business and it gets bigger, you face the challenge of managing more than 1 project at a time. The more projects you have, the more complicated the process is. The ability to control all the projects in the company is called multi-project management. . Multi-Project Management Core. The essence of multi-project management is a multi-tasking environment.

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Your Guide To Transitioning Into Product Management: Essentials For New PMs

Speaker: Leslie Grandy, Product Executive & Drew Weaver, Senior Program Manager

Are you considering a shift to product management or just starting your journey as a Product Manager? Join Leslie Grandy and Drew Weaver for an insightful webinar designed to help you seamlessly transition into this dynamic role. Whether you're looking to pivot your career or enhance your existing skills, this session will equip you with the knowledge and tools to succeed!

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8 Tips to Rescue a Failing Team and Make it a Pro Team


Tips for Managers to Rescue a Failing Team All about the difference made by a great leader. You will hardly come across a great team that has a weak leader. Great leaders build the foundation of great teams. It takes a lot of thought and effort for making a team successful. But, taking over a failing team is a whole new struggle. If you are going through that phase in your career when you have been asked to rescue a failing team, this post is for you.

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Managing in Complex Project Environments

Rebel’s Guide to PM

How do you manage a project when it feels like walking through fog? When you don’t know what you don’t know, and the environment is shifting so much that it’s virtually impossible to keep track of all the moving parts? You focus on what you can control. You look at the one or two small things you can do to influence the issues you’ve got now.

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How to Facilitate the Nominal Group Technique

Project Risk Coach

How often have you elicited items such as problems, solutions, or implementation ideas from meeting participants? This sounds simple, but often, participants disagree. The meeting can turn into quicksand. Let's look at the Nominal Group Technique (NGT), a powerful technique for reaching consensus. Imagine that you are planning to facilitate a session to identify the strengths of your organization.

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How to handle Bikeshedding: Parkinson’s Law of Triviality

Project Bliss

Even if you don’t yet know the term bikeshedding, you’ve likely experienced it. Have you ever found yourself in a meeting discussing something relatively unimportant, yet the time and energy everyone poured into the topic seemed to go on and on? It seemed that everyone had an opinion and needed to have a say. And for this reason the discussion continued far past the time it should have taken.

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Critical Chain in Project Management: A Quick Guide

Project managers love a good plan. It takes what might be an overwhelming project and structures it in such a way it can now be methodically executed. Everything is within control. It might sound boring, but stakeholders are not buying a ticket for an amusement park thrill-ride, they just want the job done right. With that mandate, project management includes methodologies designed to forge order from chaos.

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Don’t Get Left Behind: Leveraging Modern Product Management Across the Organization

Speaker: Kat Conner

The challenge of delivering the right product at the right time while aligning with strategic objectives is more pressing than ever. Product management is evolving and gaining greater recognition as the means to creating this connection. Join our upcoming webinar and learn how to streamline your product development processes, infuse product thinking across the organization, and bridge the gap between vision and delivery.

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Remote Teams and Virtual Facilitation

I have my own biases, having seen co-located teams work very well and having struggled with “dislocated” teams, I often recommend my clients to reconsider “dislocated” teams. And by “dislocation” I am not saying you cannot have teams ten time zones away. What I mean by a “dislocated” team is when three team members are in one time zone, but in different locations and other team members are in different locations and time zones.

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What Is Scrum Methodology? Complete Guide To All Things Scrum

The Digital Project Manager

If you’ve spent any time in digital project management, you’ve likely heard of Scrum methodology. The post What Is Scrum Methodology? Complete Guide To All Things Scrum appeared first on The Digital Project Manager.

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The Top 20 Team Management Software of 2019


More than ever before, the importance of effective team management , team bulding and team collaboration has reached an all-time high. The impact of accord or discord between team members as well as teams and management can be reflected in the projects and daily workflows. According to PMI, only 56% of strategic initiatives meet their original business intent and goals.

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Best Project Management Software of 2019

Two of the keys to success in the modern workplace are organization and communication. Therefore, it makes sense why successful companies rely on project management software to keep them on track. Building a business foundation on project management software can be a very effective tactic; thus, making the right choice is extremely important. In order to help you sift through all of the best pm software platforms online, we’ve spent months doing research, testing different software, and putting

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The Project Clinic: Assessing Project Health, Planning, and Execution

Speaker: Ketan Jahagirdar

Picture your projects as patients, each with its own unique rhythm and pulse, thriving under your care 🥼 🩺 Step into the role of an innovative project doctor in our upcoming webinar! This session is your guide to evaluating the health of your projects through Waterfall and Agile practices like Scrum and Kanban. We’ll explore the vital signs of project success through the lens of the “iron triangle” metrics, using deliverables as tracers.

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Beyond Mechanical Scrum

At a recent training class one of the delegates spoke about their present company, about how it was the most “Agile” place he had ever worked. The teams at his company had well established cadences for their Scrum events; well-oiled Daily Scrums that are done within 15 minutes and result in transparency of what the team will do for the next 24-hours.

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Ask A PM: How to Convince My Team to Use Time Tracking


Dear Elizabeth: I’m trying to implement time tracking with my team. The most difficult aspect is changing people’s perception and getting buy in to do the timesheets. In the past, managing and reporting time was never required, but our company has moved on in project management maturity and in the work we do. Now we need to know where time is being spent.

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One Minute Manager and 6 Apps to build Self-Leadership


Businesses and organizations work against time nowadays. The faster they get, the successful they become. This statement makes us understand that, in organizational culture, no one is going to spend huge amounts of time on you so that you can succeed in the concrete jungle. This concept is just as important today as it was more than 30 years ago when the organizational culture started booming because of that lead to the advent of an amazing self-help book known as the ‘ One Minute Manager

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The 27 Most Annoying Business Buzzwords of 2019

TrustRadius Project Management

94% of professionals regularly hear (and probably use) annoying business jargon in their workday. It’s a plague upon businesses everywhere! According to a September 2019 survey run by TrustRadius, nearly 4 out of 10 people hear business jargon, cliches, and buzzwords often in a typical work day. On top of that more than 2 out of 10 said they hear buzzwords way too much.

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Leading the Development of Profitable and Sustainable Products

Speaker: Jason Tanner

While growth of software-enabled solutions generates momentum, growth alone is not enough to ensure sustainability. The probability of success dramatically improves with early planning for profitability. A sustainable business model contains a system of interrelated choices made not once but over time. Join this webinar for an iterative approach to ensuring solution, economic and relationship sustainability.

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Scrum and the Power of Diffusion of Responsibility

On March 13, 1946, 28-year-old Kitty Genovese was stabbed to death in Queens, NYC, across from the apartment building where she lived. Later that year The New York Times published an article claiming there were 38 witnesses to the murder (primarily residents of the nearby apartment building) yet no one provided help or called for it. Although the NYT later admitted that the story “exaggerated the number of witnesses and what they had perceived,” the impact was still significant, as Kitty Genoves

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2019 Epicflow Multi-Project Management Features

Epicflow Blog

For about 10 year history of existence, Epicflow multi-project management software regularly gets updates and enhancements to make its users’ life easier and business more effective. We’ve prepared a list and description of new features released so far in 2019. Go on reading to find out why and in what way Epicflow has become an even better solution for you and your partners.

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9 Best Sales Tools to Boost Your Sales in 2019


Owning a business is pretty cool but only when you make it profitable. Some people might disagree with this statement but if you own a business, then you would actually know that without a proper customer base the business makes no sense. So, it goes without saying that if you are devoid of clients driving your sales, you won’t have much of a company and even if you do have customers without capable sales tools helping you along the way it’s going to be difficult. .

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Agile Culture Isn’t the Problem

Leading Agile

Let’s assume you could flip the mindset of your organization overnight. What would you do next to ensure that you could predictably deliver product into the market, faster? If you don’t have an answer, perhaps it’s time to consider that culture isn’t the problem. Video Transcript. We all show up and we go, we want to change culture, right?

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How To Manage Multiple Product Teams For Successful Development & Delivery

Speaker: Leslie Grandy, Product Executive & Drew Weaver, Senior Program Manager

Effective management of multiple product teams necessitates a skillful coordination and guidance with the objective of aligning efforts towards shared goals. This entails constant communication, efficient task management, and ensuring that each team aligns with the broader organizational objectives. We can think about this like conducting an orchestra, where diverse efforts are harmonized toward a unified outcome. 🎯 Proficiency in these skills empowers product managers to navigate comple

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How Can You As A Scrum Master Increase Your Awesomeness

Just two months ago I was asked by a lady after a community meetup in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: "How can I become a more awesome Scrum Master?" I was surprised to receive such question since I never had anyone asked me that question. Since I never receive such question, I didn't think about my answer thoughtfully and can only gave her the obvious ones like: read more books, attend community meetups, or go to trainings.

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How to Use Forward and Backward Pass for Activity Assignments


I’m sure you know that a good schedule is critical for the project success. However, did you know that network diagrams are extremely important for creating a good project schedule? In my experience, many senior project managers and project planners shun network diagrams. They just don’t see any value in creating or analyzing them. In fact, I have noticed that some experienced project managers don’t even know what a network diagram is.

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Prince2 Certification Guide for Misguided #ProjectManagers


Had I not made the mistake of accidentally deleting my Word doc file, this post would have gone live a week earlier. And gosh… I really put in some extra hours into it. Sadly, our team leader told us that we’re going to have to start again on the write-up because there’s no way to recover a deleted file that has also been emptied from the recycle bin.

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2019 Epicflow Multi-Project Management Features

Epicflow Blog

For about 10 year history of existence, Epicflow multi-project management software regularly gets updates and enhancements to make its users’ life easier and business more effective. We’ve prepared a list and description of new features released so far in 2019. Go on reading to find out why and in what way Epicflow has become an even better solution for you and your partners.

2019 40
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Toward a Unified Project Management Understanding

The objective of this research is to dispel misunderstandings about crucial project management terms and their definitions. It aims to accurately place these terms and facilitate a comprehensive global understanding of their meanings.