Sat.May 08, 2021 - Fri.May 14, 2021

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The Ultimate Guide To Enterprise Project Management


In these turbulent times, there is hardly any industry that isn’t struggling while trying to adjust to the social distancing norms enforced to prevent the spread of COVID19. Enterprises around the globe are also facing a unique set of challenges. The biggest one amongst these challenges is to ensure that every employee has access to the right set of tools while working remotely so that the business operation remains unaffected.

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Project Management Career Tips

Rebel’s Guide to PM

I recently spoke with Anna of Women in PM Network on Clubhouse about project management career tips. These are the notes from that conversation. What do you think of the Google certification? Wendy @woshifodunrin asked about the Google certification. Anna recommends it. Lydiah @lkimberly1 also shared her experience of taking the course and was positive about it too.


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Benefits Management for Projects: How to Make a Benefits Management Plan

A project is a vehicle to deliver benefits to their stakeholders. These benefits include improved quality, reduced cost of production, better customer service, increased customer retention and so on. Identifying, describing and measuring these benefits is called benefits management. Having a benefits management plan lets project managers maximize these outcomes for the organization and stakeholders, and it’s part of any successful project management plan.

Planning 429
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Four Scrum Master Success Principles

Contrary to popular belief, the Scrum Master success principles are tangible, when we guide the analysis with an outside perspective. Read on and discover four Scrum Master success principles: From when not to use Scrum to product quality to supporting the Product Owner to putting self-management at the center. ?? Shall I notify you about articles like this one?

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Don’t Get Left Behind: Leveraging Modern Product Management Across the Organization

Speaker: Kat Conner

The challenge of delivering the right product at the right time while aligning with strategic objectives is more pressing than ever. Product management is evolving and gaining greater recognition as the means to creating this connection. Join our upcoming webinar and learn how to streamline your product development processes, infuse product thinking across the organization, and bridge the gap between vision and delivery.

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Does your board need a business agility committee?

Kiron Bondale

An HBR article piqued my interest: “Your Board Needs a People Committee” In it, the authors provide services which a talent-focus on the part of a subset of the board could bring to helping the leadership teams they support in attracting, retaining and developing their #1 asset. The authors assert that the typical annual reviews of people data conducted by most boards are insufficient as these only provide lagging evidence of where corrective change might be needed.

Agile 229

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Time and Materials Contract: When to Use One & Best Practices

There are two ways owners can pay for work done on a project. One is by a fixed price, where a contract defines what will be done and sets a specific and final price for that work. If the team takes too long to complete their tasks or requires more materials than outlined in the contract, they eat those costs. The other is a time and materials contract.

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Winning Office Politics – 3 tips that Scrum Masters can use

The term Office politics is taboo for many professionals, as it is pervasive at any workplace. To put it simply, workplace politics centres on differences within employees at the workplace, differences in views and opinions, conflicts on various interests and perspectives, etc. Everything boils down to communications and relations in-between humans. .

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Top 6 Tools To Use For Internal Communication In 2021


Working at an office and remote employment, both require effective means of communication for efficient collaboration between teams and team members. Internal communication tools are a must to have unadulterated and smooth communication, without any hiccups. A company’s success is heavily dependent on its cooperation between its various units. The departments work like gears of a machine, any disruption in the working of these gears puts an organization into overdrive.

2021 148
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How To Adapt Agile And Kanban For Remote Teams

The Digital Project Manager

The post How To Adapt Agile And Kanban For Remote Teams appeared first on The Digital Project Manager.

Agile 257
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The Project Clinic: Assessing Project Health, Planning, and Execution

Speaker: Ketan Jahagirdar

Picture your projects as patients, each with its own unique rhythm and pulse, thriving under your care 🥼 🩺 Step into the role of an innovative project doctor in our upcoming webinar! This session is your guide to evaluating the health of your projects through Waterfall and Agile practices like Scrum and Kanban. We’ll explore the vital signs of project success through the lens of the “iron triangle” metrics, using deliverables as tracers.

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Contract Management: Understanding the Contract Lifecycle

Managing a project is complex. Project managers are trained to plan schedules and allocate resources to meet deadlines and stay within budgets. But once you’re contracting with people outside of your organization, the legal and logistic issues can be overwhelming. Companies employ contract managers to manage this often-complicated contract process. While not every organization has a contract manager, everyone who is leading a project that employees vendors and contractors needs to have an unders

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YDS: When Does UAT Happen in Scrum?

On today’s episode of YOUR DAILY SCRUM: When does UAT happen in Scrum? Today's question is all about User Acceptance Testing (UAT). UAT is an anti-pattern in Scrum. There.we said it. It's just a bad idea. You're creating a phase gate that makes your agile practices look a lot like a waterfall. All of this and more are discussed in today's episode of Your Daily Scrum with Todd Miller and Ryan Ripley.

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How To Use The KonMari Method For Efficient Project Management?


Netflix’s 2019 series Tidying Up with Marie Kondo gave birth to our inner organizer, our very own Marie Kondo. The series was not only a commercial success but also gave rise to a whole movement of the systemic organization. The infamous KonMari method hooked us all and sucked us into this whirlpool of organization and micromanagement. People promptly started incorporating the method in their lives to create more space and get rid of the unwanted.

2011 148
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How to Become an Agile Project Manager?


The foremost objective of agile project management is the systematic and frequent execution of valuable steps. These were brought into existence through collaborative planning and adaptation of ideas collectively by the team. This process often results in the development of minor conflicts within the team. Such problems are capable of affecting the bigger picture of the project.

Agile 98
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Toward a Unified Project Management Understanding

The objective of this research is to dispel misunderstandings about crucial project management terms and their definitions. It aims to accurately place these terms and facilitate a comprehensive global understanding of their meanings.

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Arrow Diagrams for Projects: Activity on Node & Activity on Arrow Examples

This is the first step towards building a viable project schedule is organizing activities. One way to do it is by using a network diagram. This is a tool for visualizing activities over the course of the entire project. There are two main types of network diagrams: the arrow diagram and precedence diagramming. Let’s take a look at the former, also called activity on node or activity on arrow.

Executing 253
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Gold-Plating Beyond Done — Making Your Scrum Work #7

TL; DR: Gold-Plating Beyond Done. There are plenty of failure possibilities with Scrum. Given that Scrum is a framework with a reasonable yet short “manual,” this effect should not surprise anyone. However, creating Product Increments that “over-deliver” in scope or quality — also known as gold-plating — with regard to the previous refinement agreement demonstrates that the Developers need to acquire a more entrepreneurial mindset and embrace their responsibility.

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The Best 6 Tools For The Maintenance Of A Positive Remote Work Culture


Shifting to remote work requires some changes in the working environment. Remote work culture demands constant monitoring and real-time communication for efficient working. Making sure that all the team members are working efficiently and there is no lag in the work progress are some of the things a manager has to take care of. Remote work , although relatively new, has become the new norm.

2021 78
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How to Improve Customer Retention for SaaS Companies


A vast majority of companies spend most of their money on generating new leads and spreading their brand awareness. Millions of dollars are invested in comprehensive marketing campaigns, SEO, social media strategies, and more. While all these are crucial for attracting new customers, they won’t help you retain them. But, why are we talking about retention?

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Navigating the Future: Generative AI, Application Analytics, and Data

Generative AI is upending the way product developers & end-users alike are interacting with data. Despite the potential of AI, many are left with questions about the future of product development: How will AI impact my business and contribute to its success? What can product managers and developers expect in the future with the widespread adoption of AI?

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Why I Quit Coffee and What It Did for Productivity


Nothing has ever awakened my senses more than the sweet aroma of coffee. Who can resist the cocoa flavor, nutty texture, and overall “happy feeling” you get when you take your first sip? . Not many. For hundreds of years, coffee has spread its rich flavor around the globe—so much that many of us can’t live without it. In a survey of 2,199 Americans, 62% of them agreed that they “cannot function” without a cup of joe.

Energy 98
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Returning organization back to the present

We’ll go walking out. While others shout. Of war disaster. Oh, we won’t give in. Let’s go living in the past. Jethro Tull – Living in the Past. Does an organization live in the present or in the past? This question was prompted by Samo Burja’s tweet. The answer seems obvious: of course in the present! Right now we are in the office, developers are developing, managers are managing, directors are directing.

Cadence 148
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The Virtuous Cycle of Trust and Influence

Leading Agile

In today’s environment, organizations are striving for business Agility, or else they risk being put out of business. This makes it imperative that Business and IT work together in a solid partnership based on trust. It is not a tenable position to say ‘just trust us’ when the conditions necessary to build trustworthy systems and teams are non-existent. .

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Interviewed by Yu Yanjuan for PMR (China)

Henny Portman

Honored to be interview by Yu Yanjuan, Journalist of Project Management Review (PMR, China). The interview is republished with the permission of PMR in the PM World Journal (PMWJ). To see the original interview with Chinese introduction, visit PMR at [link]. PMR (2021). Agile is a Mindset: Interview with Henny Portman; Project Management Review ; republished in the PM World Journal , Vol.

2021 105
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Understand Digital Debt, Form a Team, Set Goals, and Plan Roadmap for Transformation

Understanding digital debt is crucial before digital transformation. Assemble a team to assess internal operations, market pressures, and digital debt's impact. Define future digital vision with measurable goals. Refine hypotheses and conduct market analysis. Develop a roadmap for transformation with defined projects, cost estimates, and governance.

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How To Create A Website Project Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide


Planning is critical to most work, including web design. Without a website project plan, you’ll have a website that yields poor results, disappoints clients, and frustrates the development team. This article will help you plan web design projects so you can deliver them successfully. Here’s what you’ll learn: Why do you need a website project plan? How to plan a website project?

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Dangerous Assumptions About Your Customers ??

Your team most likely is making a lot of assumptions. In a complex world, they have to. Whatever we do, we first have to make some assumptions. But there are two key things to take into account: Are you gathering the information from your actual (or future) customers to help you make assumptions? Do you validate your assumptions before proceeding? As a Scrum Master your role is to help your team navigate complexity by following Agile values and principles.

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Building Trust via Trustworthiness

Leading Agile

I walked into the conference room to meet with the VP of enterprise Agile Transformation. It’s been three weeks since I joined a team of highly experienced Agile coaches. As the newest person on the ground, I was looking forward to getting to know the ‘Boss’ better so I could, along with the team, deliver the outcomes we were committed to delivering. .

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How to Maintain Document Version Control on Your Project | Video

Online PM Courses

On a project, we can end up in all sorts of trouble, if we have multiple versions of the same document. So, we need document version control. The post How to Maintain Document Version Control on Your Project | Video appeared first on OnlinePMCourses.

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Strategic Project Finance Essentials: A Project Manager’s Guide to Financial Metrics

Speaker: Ketan Jahagirdar - Sopheon’s Director of Product Management

Empower yourself as a project manager with insights that directly influence the financial landscape and strategic direction of your organization! Join us for a deep dive into the world of financial strategy, as we dissect key metrics that drive CFOs and business leaders’ investment decisions. This session will equip you with the necessary tools to craft compelling business cases as well as a comprehensive understanding of the crucial distinction between capital expenditure and operational expend